The property search on the County's web site is provided for convenience only. If this search tool does not fulfill your needs, feel free to contact the Baker County's Assessor's office at (541) 523-8203 regarding property information.

If you have problems using the property search screen, continue to read the following tips to assist you. If this document does not answer your questions then submit your question by clicking here. You may or may not be directly contacted. However, the questions you submit will be used to improve this online help document.

When you come to the property search page you will be prompted for two inputs. The first input is what you are trying to search. The second, a drop down list box, allows you to choose the type of search (i.e owner name, map number, reference number, or road name). Once you have filled out this form, press the "GO" button to begin your search. Below the form is tips to help you conduct your search. It is best to be general than specific. If your search is general, then you are able get a list of results that allows you narrow your search. Below is an example of the screen you will see.

When you get this screen, either click on one of the choices, or go back to the first screen to try a different screen.

If you enter an input the computer can not either find or understand, then you may get one of the following screens.

Screen 1: No results found.

Screen 2: No results found.

Screen 3: No results found.

If you come across any of the preceeding screens, simply go back to the search screen and enter a different search. Try different searches until you are successfull. If your question is not answered, feel free to contact the Baker County's Assessor's office at (541) 523-8203 for further assistance.

On rare occasions, the server may be offline. If this is the case, then contact Baker County's Assessor's office at (541) 523-8203 to assist you. At that time, you can mention that the server is offiline and then they can contact the appropriate personnel to correct the problem.

How would you know if the server is offline or temporarly unavailable? Simply click on the following links.


Test Web Server #1

Test Web Server #2

If both links come back with a page that says, "Server is online!", then the server is online. If one of the two links comes back with this response, then you have problems connecting with the County's servers and may be beyond the control of Baker County. If both links do not have the "Server is online!" response, then the server is offline or temporarly unavailable.


Test Web Server #1

Test Web Server #2

If clicking both links comes back sucessfull (using the appropriate test for internet and intranet users) and your attempts to search comes back with a "Page can not be displayed" page, then the server is not responding fast enough and your system has "timed-out". In this case, either your connection or your systems software and settings, or the combination of both is not allowing you retrieve the results.

Again, if you are experiencing a problem, submit it here, and will use it to improve this online help document.