DEQ Rulemaking – Powder River Basin TMDL – Informational Meeting to be held Jan. 31, 2024
Please join Baker County in presenting facts and asking questions that have not been answered by ODEQ.
Wednesday’s meeting is of the utmost importance to engage ODEQ.
ODEQ will be holding an informational public meeting to discuss a monitoring strategy for the Powder River Basin bacteria TMDL. This meeting will facilitate coordination of local and agency monitoring efforts.
When: Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Meeting to be held in person at the following address:
Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative
4005 23rd St, Baker City, OR 97814
Join via MS Teams
Meeting ID: 243 459 427 695
Passcode: W2dGNz
Or call in (audio only)
+1 503-446-4951,,892421081# United States, Portland Phone
Conference ID: 892 421 081#
Additional Information
Not a townhall forum, this will be a break out room with agency tables.
The monitoring strategy meeting is in addition to DEQ’s open house with federal, state and local partners to answer questions on the revised documents and provide information on implementation and funding of bacteria management strategies.
Open House: Feb. 1, 2024
Drop-in 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Baker County Extension Service
2600 East St., Baker City, OR 97814