Commission Session Agenda
Baker County Board of Commissioners
1995 Third Street
Baker City, OR 97814
(541) 523-8200
Date Posted:
Subject Title:
1/22/2025 Commission Session Agenda

Baker County Board of Commissioners

Commission Session Agenda

January 22, 2025 ~ 9:00 a.m.

Courthouse, 1995 Third St., Baker City, Oregon 97814


Because of the uncertain length of time needed, the Board of Commissioners may deal with an item at any time in the meeting, except those set for a specific time. Anyone wishing to be heard on any item not having a set time should arrive when the meeting begins to avoid missing an item of interest.  Interested parties can join the meeting in person or by using the Zoom link located at:

  1. Call to Order/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Agenda Changes/Adoption
  2. a. 

  1. Citizen Participation

  1. Review/Approval of Minutes
    1. January 8, 2025 Commission Session Minutes

  1. Scheduled Business                      
    1. 9:05 a.m.          Veteran Services Department Update ~ Rick Gloria

  1. 9:20 a.m.          Contract Review Board
    1. Commissioner: CRB Order No. 2025-107 Designating Skydio as a Sole Source Provider/Drone Purchase Approval
    2. Commissioner: Bid Award for Grant Coordinator
    3. Sheriff SAR: Bid Approval for a Side-by-Side Trailer
    4. Weed: Oregon Hunters Association Grant Application Approval
    5. Weed: Forest Service Title II Work Agreement
    6. EM: Emergency Management Performance Grant Agreement w/ ODEM
    7. EM: Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG) Grant Applications
    8. TLTC: Data Collection Bid Approval         

  1. 9:40 a.m.           Commissioner Board/Committee Review

  1. 9:45 a.m.           Commissioner Job Description Review

  1. Documents to be Signed
    1. Order No. 2025-102 Appointing a Budget Officer for 2025-26
    2. Order No. 2025-103 Re-Appointing Steve Schauer to the Baker County Compensation Board
    3. Order No. 2025-104 Re-Appointing Pat Sullivan to the Baker County Budget Board
    4. Order No. 2025-105 Appointing Jennie Sites to the Baker County Wolf Depredation Compensation Committee
    5. Order No. 2025-106 Appointing Michelle Kaseberg to the Northeast Oregon Economic Development District Board
    6. Eastern Oregon County (EOCA) Dues

  1. Ratification of Documents
    1. Financial Reports
    2. OLCC Liquor License: Durkee Travel Place, LLC

  1. Other Business
    1. Commissioner Update
    2. Comparison of Calendar

  1. Adjourn

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