Powder Basin Watershed Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
for 9/4/13
Baker School District 5J Building, 2090 4th Street
Voting Members = Eight Per Charter: Quorum for decision-making is five
Facilitator: Denine Schmitz

Call to order: Denine called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. She asked members to add a few kind words to the card circulating for Eric Schoenfeld in gratitude for his long service to the Council, which extends back to the organization’s founding.

Recognition of Guest: Karen Leiendecker

Approval of Minutes: July 10, 2013
Denine called for additions or corrections to the minutes; no changes were requested. The minutes for the July 2013 meeting were approved as written.

OWEB October Grant Cycle
Council members discussed which proposed projects might be ready for submission to OWEB during the October grant cycle. Members discussed the need for outreach regarding each of the Council’s projects. Possibilities for additions to the monitoring program were considered, as were diversion improvements, conceptual designs for Clear Creek, and the need for a basin-wide action plan. The Council agreed that three grant applications should be made to OWEB in October to fund the following projects: a basin-wide action plan, an expanded monitoring program to support habitat surveys, and conceptual designs for Clear Creek. During the winter, the Council will focus on remedying problems identified during the Eagle Valley Point of Diversion Survey.

Annual Work Plan
Watershed Festival: Johanna presented an outline she and Cynthia Newman had developed for a watershed festival. Council members brainstormed ideas about what they would like to see included in the event. Ideas included adopting activities from Utah and California beaver festivals, asking Whit Deschner to present a slide show, borrowing the Grande Ronde Model Watershed’s watershed model, and potential videos for the film night. Council members expressed concerns over costs, weather conditions, and the availability of volunteers.

Watershed Olympics: Johanna presented possible activities for a second field day based on the Project Wet Curriculum and Activity Guide. She asked for ideas regarding a service learning component. Discussion followed about possible park sites. Jerry Gray expressed concerns that the Council might be spreading itself too thin and suggested focusing on providing one high-quality educational activity.

Fall Tour: Council members proposed locations for the fall tour. Steve noted that tours serve a public interest and should showcase conservation possibilities. The Council agreed to a fall tour focused on wetland improvements in Baker Valley and riparian restoration along Ruckles Creek to be held in mid-October, should the landowners be willing.

Update on Current Projects
Basin-wide Water Quality Monitoring: Aaron reported that all is going well. Only one site has gone dry—the site at North Powder near its confluence with the Powder. In September, Aaron will be working with the participating schools to schedule time to introduce students to the equipment and protocols. A senior at EOU, Teresa Uriarte, will be interning with the monitoring program fall quarter and will attend some Council meetings.

Denine reported that the BLM’s nutrient monitoring grant was selected for funding under the ODEQ 319 program; however, as a federal agency, the BLM cannot receive the funds. The BLM is asking the Council to act as the fiscal agent for the grant, with BLM staff managing the project and the Council providing the financial services. The program will continue for three years, but is currently funded for just two. Denine will seek additional funds during the second year of the program. IPC and ODEQ are both funding the program. The Board has approved the Memorandum of Agreement with the BLM for this project.

Eagle Valley Point of Diversion Survey: Aaron reported that approximately 9 miles of stream remain to be surveyed. When the field work is completed, the data will be sent to IPC for GIS analysis.

Holbrook Spur Bank Stabilization & McMullen Slough Avulsion Protection: The Council has completed the federal assistance application for USFWS funding.

Lower Clear Creek Project Development: Tabled due to time.

North Powder Flood to Sprinkler Conversion: Aaron reported that he would be meeting with the landowner to discuss the fundraising strategy to pursue.

Reports from Council Members
Aaron and Suzanne reported on the replacement of the Deer Creek gauge. Aaron explained that OWRD has moved the site upstream to the Deer Creek campground, raising questions about jeopardizing the longevity of the data set. Suzanne explained that she has been in conversation with OWRD staff members, who have expressed good reasons for moving the gauge; however, she would like to revisit the decision to be sure that the best site is selected. Steve pointed out that the Council has a contractual obligation to the funder to carry out the proposed project. Paul asked if it would be possible to calculate the flow at the old site using the new site retroactively. Suzanne said that this had been discussed and she thought it would be possible.

PBWC Board of Directors Report:
Council Facilitator: Steve will facilitate the October meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Steve reported that the Council was solvent and that Karen will be acting as treasurer.

OWEB Small Grant Team: Nancy reported that she and Steve had met with Whitney Collins and Ken Diebel regarding the Council’s representation on the OWEB small grant team. Nancy, who has signed the bylaws, will attend as the Council’s voting member with Aaron attending as a technical advisor, which is how the SWCDs handle the small grant team.
Board Update on Current Issues: Nancy announced that the Council had received Kathi’s letter of resignation and noted how much she had appreciated Kathi’s welcoming demeanor and her work on the Kirkway restoration.

There was no further business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm

Council Attendance: 7 voting members [Quorum = 5]
Marion Crow
Steve Edwards, Director at Large, Acting Treasurer
Suzanne Fouty
Jerry Gray
Nancy Rorick, Co-Chair
Denine Schmitz
Karen Spencer, Co-Chair
Andrew Umpleby
Paul Wares, Director at Large
Jim Young, Vice Chair

Staff Attendance Guest
Johanna Sedell, Executive Director
Aaron Bliesner, Monitoring Coord.
Kathi Vinson, Operations Manager
Karen Leiendecker, OWEB

Next Meeting – October 2, 2013