Powder Basin Watershed Council
Regular Meeting Minutes
for February 5, 2014
Baker School District 5J Building, 2090 4th Street
Voting Members = Eight Per Charter: Quorum for decision-making is five
Facilitator: Jim Young

Call to order: Nancy called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Recognition of Guests: Ann Mehaffy and Ginger Savage of Crossroads; Carolyn Khulog of Betty’s Books; Mike Chase, Baker City resident

Guest Presentation: Membership and Outreach Strategies Ann Mehaffy, Ginger Savage, and Carolyn Khulog

Ginger began the discussion by asking members to consider what purpose Council meetings serve. She recommended that the Council avoid conducting Board business at a community meeting. Ann explained that she finds the topic of water exciting because she is a gardener and sees a real need for residents to conserve water resources. She would like to see the Council take an active role in providing water conservation education for gardeners. Ginger added that the Council may be interested in sponsoring the master gardener program’s upcoming symposium. She recommended connecting with people who are wired into the community by identifying who the key communicators are and what those people are talking about. Ann suggested using field trips and hikes that could educate residents about the watershed. Ginger recommended scheduling field trips during the day rather than on weekends for best attendance. Ann suggested using films as another way to educate residents about the watershed. Carolyn noted that when planning the monthly literary nights, she finds it harder to get people out during the winter months. Her attendance averages between 20 and 50. She has found the local newspapers to be an effective way to spread the word about events, along with posters around town. She added that the time limit should be advertised, so that those considering attending will know what kind of time commitment is expected. Partnering on a literary night topic about water might be an option. Ginger suggested the Thursday Art Night movie as another opportunity to engage the community. Ann suggested using the drought in California as a vehicle for educating residents about water conservation, and Carolyn noted that some cities are going door to door to encourage conservation efforts. Steve asked if Crossroads or the other organizations that the guests served on set up booths at local events; none participated. Ginger noted that getting younger volunteers is difficult. Ann suggested checking out Facebook and also contacting Timothy Bishop about advertising events. Ginger praised the Ford Family fellows cohort groups, citing the excellent community development/organizational capacity building curriculum. Ann suggested seeking organizational capacity building funding through the Ford Family grant program. Ginger added that the Rural Explorer site, funded by Ford Family, offers a useful tool for understanding local demographics. Other ideas for spreading the word about Council activities included using a photo opportunity or other hook with press releases and working with the high school film club.

Steelhead Reintroduction Partnership
Jim read through OWEB’s focused investment criteria, noting that the criteria provide a framework for developing the proposed partnership. Tim Bailey had questions about the focus on steelhead, rather than anadromous fish in general, and whether or not OWEB would be interested in investing in a partnership when Idaho Power Company might lead the reintroduction as part of FERC relicensing. Denine suggested including NOAA as an important member of the proposed partnership.

Board Elections
Before the elections, Steve Edward’s service to the Board and Council was gratefully acknowledged. Steve’s work in international conservation will require frequent travel in the coming months and he will no longer be able to serve on the Council.

Jim read through the Board descriptions listed in the Charter and called for nominations. Jerry Gray was nominated to the Board to serve as Director at Large. Nancy Rorick was nominated as Chair. Jim Young was nominated as Vice Chair. Karen was nominated as Chair. Paul Wares was nominated as Director at Large. Each Board member was approved by unanimous vote.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from January 8th were approved as amended with the correct date.

Update on Current Projects
Holbrook Spur Bank Stabilization and McMullen Slough Avulsion Project: Aaron has been working the Wallowa Whitman National Forest to source the wood needed to construct the project.
Crossroads Open Show: Denine suggested developing a plan for the opening. Nancy suggested including a signup sheet so that those who were interested could be added to the Council’s email list.
2014 Field Day: Johanna encouraged Council members to volunteer at the Field Day. She added that she had met with the Head Start director, who was interested in opportunities for her students to be involved with plantings. In the past, Head Start was able to provide transportation for students, who planted trees on the national forest. Funding is no longer available for transportation, but Head Start might be interested in partnering on an event appropriate for preschoolers.
Idaho Power Company Small Grant Program: The solicitation for small grants will close on February 14th.
Miner’s Jubilee and Other Community Events: This agenda item was tabled in the interests of time.
Kirkway Maintenance/SOLVE Cleanup: The Council will be sponsoring a SOLVE cleanup on April 26th.

Reports from Council Members No reports were made.

PBWC Board of Directors Report:
Council Facilitator: Karen will facilitate the March meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Karen reported on Mike Rudi’s presentation to the Board. The financial review should be complete by March. Balances can now be viewed both by project and by grant, offering a tremendous upgrade from the reporting that had been available in the past. Jim added that Mike has not found any evidence of wrong doing, but that the previous accounting system had not worked well for reporting. Karen added that the fiscal data from July 1, 2013 on is in good shape, but that Mike and Johanna are still working on the prior reporting periods. In the future, as the Council’s revenue increases, the current software will need to be replaced.

February Guest Speaker: Joshua Uriarte, Habitat Conservationist for the Baker County Soil and Water Conservation Districts, will present on efforts to restore Greater Sage Grouse Habitat in Baker County.

There was no further business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm

Council Attendance: 7 voting members [Quorum = 5]
Tim Bailey
Tim Bliss
Marion Crow
Steve Edwards, Director at Large
Jerry Gray Nancy Rorick, Co-Chair
Denine Schmitz
Karen Spencer, Co-Chair
Paul Wares, Director at Large
Jim Young, Vice Chair

Staff Attendance Guests
Johanna Sedell, Executive Director
Mike Chase
Carolyn Khulog
Ann Mehaffy
Ginger Savage

Next Meeting – March 5, 2014