
06 March 2013

Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Tim Bliss

Call to order: Tim Bliss called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Recognition of new members: Jerry Gray and Shannon Archuleta were introduced as the newest members of the Powder Basin Watershed Council.
Recognition of Guest: Tim asked each person attending the meeting to introduce themselves: Steve Culley, Ed Herdt, Mike and Charlene Chase, Betty Kuhl, Carolyn Kulog, Guy Michael, Mitch Southwick, Dick Fleming and Ken Anderson were guest attending for the Presentation by Suzanne Fouty. Also attending John Dadoly: ODEQ, Mike Mulvey: ODEQ, Ted Sedell and Karen Leiendecker OWEB

Presentation by: Suzanne Fouty, Hydrologist & Soils Specialist for Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.
“Decreasing the impacts of droughts and flooding on local communities: Restoring the water storage capability of stream systems on public lands with the help of beaver, wolves, and fire.”

Approval of Minutes: February 6, 2012
There were several minor changes to the minutes; the following paragraph indicates those changes. All changes are in the second paragraph. (Italicized = removed and underlined = added)

The Council agreed by consensus to (table) reject the Burnt River draft MOA. (and create a work group to review all four district/council obsolete 2008 MOA’s.) The Council also decided to establish a working group to discuss possible areas for collaboration. The work group will be composed of members from each organization’s board(s) and council members. Staff of the Council and/or Districts will coordinate the meeting but not participate in the (work group) first meeting. Tim Bliss, Steve Edwards (and) Nancy Rorick and Aaron Bliesner volunteered to be in the work group. Jerry Franke also volunteered to be a member of the SWCD working group.

Update on Current Projects:
Johanna Sedell gave an update on the Kirkway Restoration 319 grant. An RFP was advertised and three proposals were received. Resource Specialist of Mitchell received the highest ranking score from the selection committee and was awarded the contract by the Board of Directors at this afternoon’s meeting. The final design will complete by May 3rd, plants will be in ground the end of May and first of June. Johanna is working with Dorothy Mason and local 6th grade teachers to include students in the planting. Tonya Dombrowski of ODEQ has indicated that the request for a time extension through October 31, 2013 has been approved for this grant.
Basin-Wide Water Quality Monitoring: the final cooperation agreements are being formatted and signed for property owners and training sessions for volunteers are being planned.
Holbrook Spur Bank Stabilization & McMullen Slough Avulsion Project: There were no proposals submitted from the RFP request advertised for these projects. The Board has awarded River Design Group, the original design company, with the contract for final design for both projects.
Holbrook: Land owner agreements have been drafted and are being reviewed and prepared for signatures; adjacent land owners not currently included in the project are being contacted. Oregon Dept. of Transportation is working at the former bridge site stabilizing the roadbed, which is currently being undercut by the current. ODOT will remove at least one of the old bridge abutments as well as some trees, which may provide wood debris for the project.
McMullen: Land owner agreements are being drafted for this project also. The property owners are assisting this project by installing fences protecting the creek and riparian areas.
Small Grant Program: Eric Schoenfeld attended the OWEB small grant team meeting and reported on the three projects recommended for funding: a juniper removal project south of Baker, a juniper revetment project on Rock Creek, and a fence at a point of diversion on Eagle Creek.

Marion Crow reported on the study by ODOT on the 414 Road. This is the bridge that has caused many of the problems for Pine Creek, the sewer lagoons, and the roadway in general. ODOT is evaluating a number of options, including removing the bridge and re-routing the road, re-routing the creek, or installing overflow culverts.

Council-SWCD Collaboration Working Group. Steve Edwards is acting lead for the group, composed of Tim Bliss, Nancy Rorick, and Steve Edwards. Whitney Collins was so far unable to contact her different board members to arrange for people to participate in the working group. Steve will contact Whitney, now that he is home again, and ask her again to set up a meeting. Those attending the meeting will discuss where the two organizations need to go to be able to work together, addressing needs of each organization, not a negotiation of a new agreement.

Board of Directors Report: A council mediator/facilitator, which the council has had in the past, was suggested. This person would keep the meeting on time, in order, and direct moves towards consensus. The mediator/facilitator should be someone other than the Chair. Steve suggested a rotation of different people. Eric volunteered for April, Steve for May, and Suzanne for June.

Treasurer’s Report: PBWC has funds to continue operations through June and into the next fiscal year with the understanding that OWEB is going to provide the same level of funding as the last biennium to all watersheds. The certified public accounting firm of Guyer, Lindley, Bailey & Martin has been contacted to audit the last 4 years of PBWC books. Randy Guyer suggests that the council wait until the end of the biennium to begin the review; the cost will be approximately $3,000.

Johanna reported on the use of the Mini Grant from OWEB, the Baker County Library will be having photo sessions going during spring break with kids 6 years old and above.

There was no further business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm

Discussion continued on Suzanne’s presentation.

Council Attendance: 11 members [Quorum = 6]
Tim Bliss, Chairman
Steve Edwards Andrew Umpleby
Suzanne Fouty, USFS
Marion Crow Eric Schoenfeld, Treasurer
Nancy Rorick
Paul Wares
Karen Spencer, Baker Co. Parks Shannon Archulet, USFS
Jerry Gray

Non-member Attendance
Johanna Sedell, PBWC Executive Director
Kathi Vinson, PBWC Assistant Coordinator
Aaron Bliesner, PBWC Monitoring Coord.
Karen Leiendecker, OWEB
John Dadoly, ODEQ
Mike Mulvey ODEQ
Ted Sedell, ODF&W
Presentation Guest
Steve Culley
Ed Herdt
Mike & Charlene Chase
Betty Kuhl
Carolyn Kulog
Guy Michael
Dick Fleming
Mitch Southwick
Ken Anderson

Next Monthly Meeting
April 3, 2013
5J District Supervisor’s Office; North Conference Room
4th and Broadway 5:30 p.m.
Meetings of the PBWC are open to the public. All are welcome.

Board of Directors Meeting
4/03/2013 @ 12:00 noon
Sumpter Valley Railroad Depot
2960 Broadway, Baker City, OR