Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
January 20, 2022
Baker County Courthouse – Commission Chambers

Tyler called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Members Present: Tyler Brown, Mandy Clark, Shane Alderson, Buell Gonzalles, and Brian Vegter

Guests Present: Bryan Tweit, Shelly Cutler, Jeff Nelson, Kathy Taylor, Jerry Peacock, Fred Warner, Sara Artley, Matthew Koppenhaver, Bill Harvey and Shelly Christensen

Approve Agenda: Brian moved to accept the agenda. Shane seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Minutes: Meeting minutes from November 30, 2021 and December 16, 2021 were reviewed. Mandy moved that the minutes from November 30, 2021 be approved as presented. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried. Brian moved that the minutes from December 16, 2021 be approved as presented. Tyler seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Requests:
Baker County Tournaments – Kathy Taylor and Jerry Peacock
Baker County Tournaments are requesting $5,000 to cover the cost of the tournament not funded by OSAA and $3,500 to cover the cost of the hospitality room for two tournaments. Tournament dates are February 17th – 19th and March 2nd – 5th. Jerry stated this is the last year of the existing contract for Baker City to host the OSAA State tournament. There will be competition with other communities for a new contract. Hosting this year’s tournament needs to show OSAA that we are serious about keeping the event here. A contract to host the local district tournament for two years has just been signed. Organizers have been working with Baker City Downtown, the Chamber, the school district and local businesses and lodging establishments to ensure this year’s event is a success. There are plans to have a FFA barbecue welcome dinner on Wednesday night. There was discussion about how to get the word out to spectators on-line ticket sales. Tickets to the State Tournament are only available online but District Tournament tickets can be purchased at the door. Shelly Cutler suggested having someone at the event to help spectators purchase tickets online. Feeding 32 teams will be a challenge for restaurants but pre-planning will help local restaurant accommodate the teams. Which teams will be participating will be announced after District playoffs. Kathy indicated she has $7,000 from last year’s event to put toward this year’s event. It was noted that not all tournament hosts offer a hospitality room for coaches and officials. This added service gives Baker City an advantage to continue hosting. Buell moved to award $5,000 to the tournaments and $3,500 to the hospitality room. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Chautauqua Music Festival – Sara Artley
Chautauqua Music Festival is requesting $20,000 to cover upfront costs to artists, payment of sound engineer and equipment and marketing costs to promote the event. This new event will take place the weekend of May 20th through the 22nd. Tickets are available online; a weekend pass is $35. Sara presented the history of Chautauqua’s to Committee members. This event will be a patriotic, American based music festival. She stressed the importance of having a successful first-year event for the long-term growth of the event. The local community, businesses, school, service organizations have all been supportive of the event and have assisted in planning. The Committee discussed the amount of the grant request and prior grant awards. Tyler pointed out the TLT Grant budget is $40,000 and this request is for half of that. Brian recommended Sara apply for a Cultural Coalition grant which is available up to $1,000. He also recommended looking into State grant funding. Buell recommended Sara contact the Baker School District for students/teams looking for community service opportunities. Jeff Nelson shared his experience in working with Sara and pointed out the whole community has rallied around the event. Mandy moved to award Chautauqua Music Festival $5,000 for marketing the event. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Visitor Services Update – Shelly Cutler
Shelly provided the Committee with her December report indicating the Center saw 48 travelers passing through, 21 travelers seeking lodging, 12 travelers requesting County information and 23 requesting City information. The Center also mailed out nine Visitor Packets and received 45 visitor phone calls. The Chamber mailed three relocation packets in December.

Shelly suggested the Committee consider a 30-day secret shopper activity in February in order to get feedback on each local hotel/motel. The secret shopper would have an evaluation worksheet to complete that would be returned to the Committee. It is important that the Committee know what visitors are experiencing when they stay. There was discussion about finding local individuals who are un-bias. Kathy Taylor suggested contacting a secret shopper business to conduct the evaluation. Shelly will contact ORLA for guidance.

Shelly has been researching ORLA’s hospitality training. She recommended businesses send management staff to a one-day training, then have them share the training with their front line staff. Cost is just under $100 per person, possibly TLT funds could offer scholarships. There is video training available through ORLA or the training materials can be obtained and an in-person training can be hosted at the Event Center. Once the training is complete, the participant will receive a certification of completion. Shelly suggested an in-person training in order to give it a Baker County spin and get management motivated. There was discussion around funds from the marketing budget to pay for the cost of the training. The Committee agreed to have Shelly research information from ORLA on hospitality training and she will email the information to the Committee.

Bill Harvey asked Shelly if she is sharing information on the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center co-location at Baker Heritage Museum. She responded that she is sharing what she hears from other community members and she will reach out to Cammy for more detailed information.

Shelly presented an idea that the Committee start a $150,000 to $175,000 grant program to help lodging partners upgrade their establishments. She suggested the City, County, EDC and TLT have a discussion about partnering financially to establish a grant program where lodging partners can apply for $500 in matching grant funds to upgrade room amenities in their hotel/motel. Shelly volunteered to do some research and present that at the next meeting.

Shelly asked about a Travel Baker County map ad. She also asked if the Committee has scheduled hosting travel writers. Tyler will meet with Shelly and give her Travel Baker County website and social media login information. There was discussion about updating the Travel Oregon calendar. Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally will make a decision soon on whether or not they will return to Baker City for 2022.

EDC Update: Bryan Tweit
Bryan agreed with the importance of hospitality training. He is coordinating the Job Fair for high school students to be held April 6th. Baker County unemployment rate is at .003. The rental eviction has been extended to June, which makes property owners want to get out of the rental business. Construction projects are moving forward and will improve workforce housing. Local businesses are doing well and there have been several new businesses open. Bill Harvey updated the Committee on the 10th Street, Hughes Lane & Cedar Street improvements. This project is a $10 million dollar project slated for 2024. Bryan shared that information is being gathered for a multi-purpose event center.

Tourism Marketing
Bill Harvey advised the Committee to develop a scope of service for the Marketing Director position. He suggested the Committee have more involvement in the marketing budget. This will be on the work session agenda. The Committee has the flexibility to hire a contractor to do short term work rather than hiring a full time Marketing Director, or pay a marketing company to do some work.

Invoices Paid & Pending
Travel Baker County received an invoice for the renewal of membership dues to Hells Canyon Chamber of Commerce. The Committee decided not to renew this membership, as there would be no direct benefit to belonging to another organization.
Oregon Tour & Travel Alliance Essential Membership Dues were approved to be paid in the amount of $225.
Mandy, Tyler and Brian met with the Baker City Herald to discuss the Go Explore – Baker County Guide to express their concern in the quality of the publication. In past years, the marketing budget has paid for an additional 30,000 copies for $4,000. The Herald was more than happy to make changes in quality and will get back to Tyler on the cost. Brian also visited with Susan Crow with Oregon Media, which publishes the EOVA guide, about publishing a Baker County guide. The Union County Guide, which the Union County Chamber publishes, is not the same publication as 84 Ways to Discover Union County.

Brian is working on the content for the EOVA Guide. The Committee agreed to promote year round outdoor activities and purchase the same amount of advertising as the prior year. Tyler estimated that at 13 pages. Shelly Cutler suggested marketing each region in Baker County. Shelly Cutler asked for information on ad creation that Timothy had done in the past. Shelly Christensen will follow up with Baker County Technology Department for access to that information.

Financial Reports: Shelly Christensen
Fourth quarter lodging tax reports are still being filed and revenue looks good.

Citizen Participation - None

Strategic Planning Update – None

Ordinance Review of Section 22 and Section 24(g) - None

Staff Comments: None

Committee Comments:
Brian updated the Committee on placement of the Dan Kelly plaque. The Committee agreed the most logical place for the plaque is at Baker High School. Brian will reach out to Buell to work out the details of placement. Dan Kelly was a BHS graduate who, competed in the 1908 Olympic Games, receiving a silver medal and is a world record holder.

Mandy shared the Geiser is booking a lot of long term stays with medical workers. Brian shared he is working with Travel Oregon on the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway pre fam tour January 31st, February 23rd and March 17th.

Next Meeting:
February 17, 2022 @ 9:00
Tyler indicated the Work Session will be scheduled through email.
Meeting adjourned at 12:05
Respectfully Submitted: Shelly Christensen