Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
June 20, 2019
Baker County Courthouse

Members Present: Loran Joseph, Karen Owen, Lea Gettle, Chelsea Judy and Tori Brown

Guest Present: Mandy Clark, Mike Raney, Timothy Bishop, Shelly Cutler, Fred Warner, Shelly Christensen, and Bill Harvey

Grant Presentation: Huntington Lions Club Catfish Derby – Mike Raney
Mike reported that due to the fire before the catfish derby they were unable to use the park until Saturday. Registrations were down a little, they had 197 registrants which Mike reported 95% were from out of town (40% from the Portland area, 25% from Idaho and 35% from Oregon and Baker County). The reservoir had lots of water for the derby. He reported $10,708 in income with $4,600 in expenses which resulted in $6,100 net profit which goes to pay for fireworks and support of the Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation. Mike thanked the Committee for their support of the event.

Marketing Update: Timothy
Timothy indicated that visitors season is off to a strong start with late May and early June events such as Eagle Valley Days, Memorial Day events, Sumpter Flea Market, etc. He has been able to refocus after the EOVA restructure. Explore Oregon will be filming in Baker County July 2-8. Baker County will also be featured in the AmericArt2019 documentary. This will take place the second week of September. Progress is being made on the Pink Bike project. The date has been set for August 18-24.

Rebranding to Travel Baker County is moving forward. Kevin Bradford with Aspen Digital is working on a new logo. Chelsea asked if they had discussed hiring Kevin. She felt that his services were great but also “not cheap”. She suggested that the logo design wait until we have all the pieces ready for the transition. It was agreed that this should be discussed further at a Strategic Planning Committee work session. Lea will organize a meeting.

Timothy attended a TO Commission meeting in Joseph. Two key initiatives were presented; an Outdoor Recreation Took Kit (messaging platform) and a booth at the NFR Cowboy Christmas event in Vegas promoting Oregon’s multiple rodeos.

EOVA and ORLA are working on hospitality training. At this stage, training is for EOVA Board members and 5 managers from each DMO.

Travel Oregon is working with ODOT on a renewed focus of the Oregon Scenic Byways. This project will provide opportunities for training and funding. A medium size grant requires a 20% match and $20,000-$100,000 investment per by-way is recommended.

Loran questioned Timothy’s comment regarding the number of international visitors to our area as he has not seen nor heard of any. Timothy listed operators and destinations that he spoke with that indicated international visitor numbers were up.

Meeting was called to order at 9:15

Approve Minutes:
Meeting minutes from May 16, 2019 were reviewed. Loran moved that the minutes be approved and Chelsea seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Agenda:
Change to the agenda to eliminate by laws, this will be moved to the next meetings agenda. Loran moved that the agenda be approved with change. Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Requests:

Hells Canyon Junior Rodeo – Mandy Clark
This event, which was established in 1957 will take place on July 5-7 in Halfway. Mandy is requesting $4,000 to be used to help cover the cost of insurance, stock fees, and any remaining buckles, breast collars or the all-around prize saddle that will be given to winners. This event will bring kids from as far as Idaho and Nevada as well as all over Oregon for three-days. The rodeo has had some negative management in the past which Mandy and Lexi Shaw have been working to remedy by joining the board. Advertising in the form of posters has been done thru sponsorships. Loran expressed his concern that 20% of the budget is from TLT grant funding, which seems excessive for an event that is not new. Chelsea reminded Mandy that TLT grant funds are awarded to events that increase lodging in Baker County “heads in beds”, this event makes camping available on-site which does not increase lodging tax revenue. Mandy stressed that all Halfway lodging establishments will be fully booked for the event. Lea expressed wanting to support an event in Halfway and asked if they have any other grant/sponsorships. Mandy said the girls are working hard on sponsorships and they will be raffling off a pig, beef and rifle. There was discussion about the importance of junior rodeos and the decline of the number of events. Chelsea asked Mandy to include participant geographic information as part of her event presentation. Loran moved to award $1,800 to the event, Chelsea seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Carl Wendt Memorial Bronc Riding – Mandy Clark
This event will take place on August 7th, in conjunction with the Baker County Fair. Mandy is requesting $3,000 to be used to cover the cost of stock fees, event costs and prizes that will be given to winners. Admission to this event is free to encourage fair attendance. There was discussion about registration fees, Mandy indicated the fees are mid-range. They will have around 20 bronc riders, 20 mutton busters and bucking ponies. The Committee encouraged Mandy to seek advertising for the event through Elkhorn Media Group. Loran moved to award $1,500, Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Miner’s Jubilee – Shelly Cutler
This event will take place on July 19th-21st. Shelly is requesting $995 to be used to purchase video coverage and radio ads with Elkhorn Media Group. Loran moved to award $995 to the event, Tori seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Visitors Services Update: Shelly Cutler
Shelly reported that traffic is up at the Center with at least 40 people stopping per day even though she is hearing that travel is down. The weather has created a late start up of recreational travel with the scenic by-ways just opening up. Some areas such as the museums show visitors up, this could be a certain demographic of travelers (older, retired tourists). They are working on Jubilee, Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally, Baker City Cycling Classic and Eastern Oregon TributeFest. When asked about the lodging establishment which was recently remodeled Shelly indicated that service was improving and she has received fewer complaints.

Professional Services Agreement Baker County and BCU – Lea entertained a motion that an amendment be drafted to extend the existing agreement to January 1, 2020. Loran moved to amend the agreement to extend to 1/1/2020, Chelsea seconded the motion. Motion carried. Shelly asked if there was anything the Committee would like the Center to do in the next 6 months. Lea indicated that she would like Shelly to be a community partner in the branding process. Lea also commended Shelly on her communication with lodging establishments.

Bill asked Shelly if the Center was still sending out as many mailings as in the past or is she referring people to the website. Shelly indicated that with changes in EOVA the mailings going out are fewer. The Baker County mailings that are going out are 60% tourism and 40% relocate. Event information is accessible on the website and she is collaborating with Timothy on events and re-sharing what Timothy posts to social media.

By Laws: Lea
Postponed to next month

Financial Reports:
Shelly Christensen indicated that the financial reports are updated and current. March lodging results were down which could be attributed to weather and basketball tournament visitors deferred to staying at private homes. Chelsea shared that lodging numbers were consistent with visitor results at Anthony Lakes.

Citizen’s Participation:
Fred Warner talked with the Art Roamers about the downtown art and said they may be here thru the end of July. They have talked about coming back next year with a different theme.

Fred commended the Visitors Center for doing a really good job and asked the Committee to consider raising the agreement amount. It was suggested that when the agreement is negotiated prior to 1/1/2020 that each role at the Center be defined.

Strategic Planning Update:
Rebranding is the main priority at this time. Lea will coordinate a meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee.

Staff Comments:
Shelly Christensen:
Shelly and Christena have revised the quarterly TLT lodging report to include a column for operators to list on-line bookings. Along with this change Shelly has a letter that she would like to mail to operators explaining the revised form and asking for a report from the on-line intermediaries to substantiate the on-line booking revenue listed on the report. She will email out a copy of the revised report and letter for feedback.

Bill Harvey:
Due to the drop in TLT dollars the County is withdrawing their contract with Greg Smith. They are working on restructuring the economic development commission. Temporarily phones will be transferred to Baker County where the caller will be given a contact name and phone number.

Committee Comments:
Lea asked that an EDC update be added to future agendas.

Next Meeting:
July 25, 2019 @ 9:00 am

Meeting adjourned at 10:45

Respectfully Submitted:
Shelly Christensen