Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
December 16, 2021
Baker County Courthouse – Commission Chambers

Tyler called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Members Present: Tyler Brown, Toni Thompson and Brian Vegter

Guests Present: Bryan Tweit, Shelly Cutler, Matthew Koppenhaver, Ginger Savage, Bill Harvey and Shelly Christensen

Approve Agenda: Unable to approve due to lack of quorum.

Approve Minutes: Unable to approve due to lack of quorum.

Grant Presentations: Friends of the Pine Valley Fairgrounds – Lynda Bird letter
Lynda Bird sent the TLTC an update letter on the progress of the horse barn. The letter states: “At this time, it is our plan to start the building as soon as the weather moderates in the spring.” There was some discussion about who owns the Pine Valley Fairgrounds. Bill Harvey stated the Halfway Fair & Rodeo Board is not a Baker County board so the property likely is owned by the Halfway Fair & Rodeo Board.

Visitor Services Update – Shelly Cutler
Shelly provided the Committee with her November report indicating the Center saw 65 travelers passing through, 17 travelers seeking lodging, 33 travelers requesting County information and 48 requesting City information. The Center also mailed out 12 Visitor Packets and received 56 visitor phone calls. Visitor packets generally include the scenic byways guide, EOVA guide, Baker County Visitors guide and any rack cards that fit their visit. Shelly indicated she will be hiring a Visitors Center employee with website and social media experience in the spring. Tyler asked that Shelly include the number of relocation packets mailed per month in her monthly report. Bill asked that Shelly share information on relocation packet requests with EDC, especially if it involves a new business.

There was discussion about the event calendar. Beginning January 1st the Visitors Center will begin managing the Travel Baker County media websites. Shelly will work to contact event organizers to begin populating the event calendar. The upcoming State Basketball tournaments are experiencing challenges with lodging. Baker County Unlimited has offered to help with team lodging issues. OSAA shared a complaint that lodging rates in Baker City are higher than anywhere else in the state. Bill Harvey suggested members of the community send a letter of interest to all the lodging establishments explaining how important these tournaments are to Baker City. Tyler shared due to ownership changes the history of how the tournaments came to Baker City has been lost and it is sad to think that the tournaments could be lost. He commented on the uniqueness and popularity of the hospitality room provided during the tournaments in Baker City.

The SnoWest magazine ad was discussed. This is a budgeted expense in the current FY 21-22 Marketing Budget so a vote to pay the expense was not needed. It was agreed to proceed as budgeted. Tyler asked Shelly Cutler to coordinate with the magazine and arrange the ad. Bill recommended the Committee be more involved in marketing expenditures.

EDC Update: Bryan Tweit
Bryan reported that businesses are doing well and Main Street has been busier than ever. He is working with someone who is opening a new business in the former Ragsdale Mobile Glass location. The owners of the building that housed the Little Bagel Shop are not going to rent the building to another commercial business. Unfortunately, the homeless community has been using the building. The owners original plan was to have the building torn down but found out it is listed on the historic registry. Bryan stated he had 11 people who are interested in opening new businesses contact him in the last two weeks. The challenge for new businesses now is finding a location.

There will be another Wine Walk today. This event benefits the Lions Club and Baker City Downtown.

Bryan has been in contact with other like sized communities and their focus has been on encouraging “buy local”. Shelly Cutler has been helping local businesses with this campaign and there are buy local signs displayed in many business windows.

Bryan addressed the lodging issue related to the State tournaments and suggested lodging establishments work together and hire a marketing person that can help lodging establishments better meet the traveler’s needs/expectations. He also suggested some type of government contact offering lower rates. Relating to the State tournaments there was a need for an additional practice gym in order for Baker City to continue hosting the tournaments. He asked if anyone knew when the improvements were going to take place on the Helen Stack building. Bill Harvey said he has seen signs stating the improvements would be happening in the next year. Shelly Cutler stated OSAA is willing to use the North Powder school gym for practices.

Tyler indicated the housing construction project near Sam O Swim was recently approved. Bryan stated the Veterans Housing Project will begin this spring.

Tourism Marketing
Shelly Christensen received invoices from North American Travel Journalist Association (NATJA) and Oregon Festivals & Events Association and asked for approval to pay. Funds for these memberships are included in the current budget. Shelly Cutler explained the benefits associated with the Oregon Festivals & Events Association membership. Tyler and Bill suggested not renewing our membership to NATJA. Tyler asked that the FY 2021-22 draft budget be emailed out again to Committee members. While visiting with County Counsel Tyler found out that the Committee has the ability to adjust expenditures within budget lines. He recommended using some savings to increase the allocation of funds to publish the Baker County Travel Guide. Tyler also recommended that the Committee meet for a work session in January or early February to discuss the marketing budget, Strategic Plan and Revised Next Steps.

Baker County Travel Guide issues and possible improvements were discussed. Brian Vegter shared information relating to the publication of the EOVA guide, which is distributed in May. Brian will find out who prints and produces the EOVA guide and will share that at the next meeting. There was discussion about the notification and use of budgeted cooperative ad funds.

Tyler asked to have the Strategic Plan and Next Steps emailed to Committee members for their review prior to the work session. Bryan Tweit asked to have a copy of the Strategic Plan and Next Steps emailed to him so he can share with EDC members.

Bill Harvey shared the Canadian border is closed again and Canadian residents are not able to travel to other providences within their country.

Bill encouraged the Committee to get event organizers to contact the Visitors Center to list their upcoming events on the events calendar.

Financial Reports: Shelly Christensen
The majority of second quarter reports have been received. Fourth quarter reports are not due until January.

Citizen Participation
Ginger Savage shared upcoming exhibitions at Crossroads Art Center. The National Art Quilters show titled Habitat will be in March and Art About Agriculture in July. She indicated the Salt Lick event would no longer be happening. The Baker County Cultural Coalition deadline to file for 2022 Small Project Grants was yesterday, there will be another due date on May 15th . They received nine applications and will be reviewing those in January. She shared the American Recovery Plan dollars for arts and culture have been delayed until spring. That program is for over $50 million.

The Heritage Museum is tentatively closed until March 1st. Ginger shared that on February 12th the Baker Historical Society will be hosting a Happy Birthday Oregon event at the Heritage Museum, which will allow attendees to get a sneak peak of how the co-location of the Interpretive Center and the Heritage Museum.

Matthew Koppenhaver shared that he has been busy fielding questions from travelers due to freeway closures. He expects more travelers during winter break which is now through New Years’. He said they provide maps of Baker County, travel guides, refer travelers to trip check, and advise them to call 511 for updates on freeway closures.

Strategic Planning Update – None

Ordinance Review of Section 22 and Section 24(g) - None

Staff Comments:
Bill Harvey shared construction is very strong now and looks solid for spring. The County is spending a lot of federal money to install a new water line from Richland to the Parks next year. There will also be $100,000 spent for improvements to Hewitt Park, which includes upgrading electrical hookups and widening sites. The County Road Department has been busy working on various roads as part of a major project and will soon be replacing storage buildings. The County will be using sub-contractors rather than hiring new employees. Bill updated the Committee on the 10th Street project and indicated this is a 10 million dollar project, which will bring an influx of workers over the next four to five years and will boost our economy.

Committee Comments:
Toni will check to see if Sumpter is hosting Vintage Snowmobile races. She shared the Christmas Festival was a great event. There was discussion relating to restaurant hours of operation.

Brian shared the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway was approved for a Travel Oregon Destination Ready grant for website improvements. They will be working with a consultant. Oregon Film has approved the signs for Paint Your Wagon and are waiting to hear from Richland for placement of sign. There is funding available through the Cultural Coalition for installation of the signs. The December EOVA meeting has been postponed. They are receiving applications for a content coordinator and have three applicants to date. Churchhill School will have Tom Reed, photographer and author, giving a presentation Friday @ 6:30.

Tyler shared that Anthony Lakes is scheduled to open on Saturday.

Next Meeting:
January 20, 2022 @ 9:00

Meeting adjourned at 11:06
Respectfully Submitted:
Shelly Christensen