Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
September 24, 2020
Baker County Commission Chambers

Meeting called to order @ 9:00 am by Tyler Brown

Members Present: Tyler Brown. Loran Joseph, Kathy Reedy, Toni Thompson, and Buell Gonzales. Present via teleconference: Chelsea Judy.

Guest Present: Fred Warner, Timothy Bishop, Shelly Cutler, Stacey Delong, Bryan Tweit, Tom Novak, Shelly Christensen and Bill Harvey. Present via teleconference: Diane Rowe.

Approve Minutes:
Meeting minutes from August 27, 2020 were reviewed. Loran moved that the minutes be approved and Kathy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Agenda:
Loran moved to approve the agenda, Buell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Request
Baker City Downtown Cleanup Days – Tom Novak
As part of the Baker City Downtown Cleanup Days, BCD is requesting $2,600 to custom fabricate hangers designed to fit thirty octagon shaped concrete light posts on Main Street and purchase strapping materials. These hangers will hold vibrant flower baskets. There was some discussion regarding how the flower baskets will be cared for, once in place. Tom indicated he is working to find volunteers to water the plants, such as the Baker City Fire Department and FFA. Buell suggested contacting the School District for community service projects. Loran moved to grant the $2,600 requested, Buell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Marketing Update – Timothy Bishop
The Go West Summit was done virtually this year with one week of educational sessions followed by a week of 30 minute virtual appointments. Timothy expressed his concern with the tourism industry; 1/3 of his appointments cancelled leaving them with only 36. The general feeling is that people are not comfortable with international travel. More operators are exploring domestic travel, marketing to those in their regional area. Numbers are down drastically with border closures. Operators are focusing on more rural destinations. At this point there are business that have been on itineraries that are permanently closing due to the pandemic, which opens up spots for other destinations. They are seeing a robust trend in reservation and prescheduling operations which makes spontaneous travel difficult.

Rick Danser with PNW Explored returned to Baker County over the Labor Day weekend. The campaign was focused on outdoor recreation along the Elkhorn Scenic byway. Due to fires the post video production was delayed.

The Travel Oregon/Expedia and Eastern Oregon Media campaigns were put on hold due to fires.

Timothy listed some upcoming events; Last Hoorah Rodeo, Turkey Trot, and Haunted School @ Churchill. Toni Tompson indicated that Trunk or Treat will be held in Sumpter and they recently had a tour bus visit.

Bill asked Chelsea if Anthony Lakes would be requiring reservations. Chelsea indicated that priority will be given to local pass holders and all tickets will have to be pre-purchased online.

Visitor Services Update - Shelly Cutler
Shelly indicated they are seeing a record number of visitors at the Center Monday thru Friday. Weekend numbers are starting to drop off. She asked for direction from the Committee for day/hours of operation for shoulder season. Currently they are open 8:30 – 5:30 Monday-Saturday and 8:30 – 2:30 on Sunday. In the past the Visitors Center winter hours were 8:30 – 4:30. Loran suggested, based on the information provided, that days of operation during the shoulder season would be Tuesday – Saturday, 8:30 – 5:30. Tyler agreed and shared in the restaurant business Sunday and Monday are slower. The Center is receiving requests for next year travel plan information. It was agreed that days and hours of operation could be evaluated month to month.

Shelly shared that the Center has received a high volume of requests for relocation packets from people from Western Oregon and Northern California. Shelly listed the contents of a relocation packet. The cost to mail a packet is $8-$10 which is taken from the Chamber budget.

Shelly confirmed with the Committee that the Visitors Center will be open Tuesday thru Saturday from 8:30-5:30 for the month of October and those day/hours will be revisited at the end of October.

Extension of existing Professional Services Agreement
Bill Harvey indicated this topic is currently on hold, it can be discussed but it is on hold. Loran indicated that the Committee has gone through their process and passed their recommendation on to the Commissioners who are working through their process on making a decision. Bill said County Counsel is currently on vacation.

Financial Reports:
Reports show third quarter revenue is not yet received, as reports for July – September are due in October. Second quarter revenue is complete except for House 36 which was discussed at the August meeting. Bill Harvey hand delivered a letter to the establishment and the operator contacted Shelly immediately. Those numbers will be included in next months’ report.

Citizen’s Participation:

Strategic Planning Update: Timothy
Currently, the restructuring of the website is the focus. Due to the current situation the Strategic Plan has been reactive. Timothy suggested a work session be scheduled during the first part of next year to revisit the plan and have a policy discussion on how we move forward post COVID.

EDC Update: Bryan
Bryan contacted the Director of Operations with the truck stop at Farwell Bend, they hope to be open on October 21st. The concept of a hotel has been tabled due to water issues. Two welding companies have been contracting with Behlen. Manufacturing. Due to the housing crisis in Baker the workers are unable to relocate. This sub-contracting has given the companies the opportunity to open businesses in Baker County which may result in up to 12 good paying jobs. EDC has been working with Toni Zikmund at BHS to encourage students who have a business mindset, as the will be valuable when they graduate and hit the work force. He is also working with BHS on senior projects that have gone by the wayside. The students participated in a tour of businesses in Baker and were surprised to find what jobs are available to them in Baker. It was valuable to the students to see the levels of jobs attainable to them from current employers. The job fair which normally takes place the week before Spring Break was cancelled last year but they are hoping to offer it this year. During the job fair students get the opportunity to build a relationship with businesses and build their personal portfolio. Last year there were 80-95 businesses interested in participating.

Bryan has been asked to present at the Rural to Rural Convention that is normally held in Portland but was scheduled to be held in Bend this year. It will be online via Zoom. Bryan will be discussing entrepreneurship, getting businesses started and youth entrepreneurship.

Bryan was able to present to the Governor staff and Senate staff and all the regional places, problems that we are going to have this coming winter with the face mask requirements. Business that have moved to an outdoor venue will have to move indoors. These businesses will have a hard time being viable with those restrictions. Business who have tried to accommodate customers that cannot wear a face mask, due to a medical condition, outside the establishment will not be able to expect the customer to wait out in the cold.

He has been working with the logistics of a child care center which would be supported by Baker School District 5J but will need certified care providers to staff the Center. This could bring another 3-7 high paying jobs to Baker County.

Tyler addressed the problems in the housing market. Bryan spoke of the capacity in Baker County and that a 30-40-unit apartment complex just doesn’t exist here. Fred indicated the City is in the process of doing a housing needs assessment. There are currently two subdivisions going in; one on Clark Street the other on Birch Street. This is the most development the City has seen in the last 10 years. There are 900 buildable acres within Baker City with flood plain issues and infrastructure expenses that make developing difficult. Vacation rentals are skewing the numbers in the housing needs assessment. Showing as available housing but are not. Tyler asked if there was interest in people relocating and bringing their business with them. Fred addressed the problem of vacant businesses and businesses that are rarely open on Main Street. Simplot has purchased land and are building a plant.

Bryan shared the results of grant programs for businesses.

By-Laws Update: Tyler
Tyler indicated he received notes from Lea but has not had time to work on them. Bill asked that once the Committee has a draft to present it to the Commissioners for recommended changes. Loran offered to help.

Staff Comments:
Bill updated the Committee on the audit litigation. The attorney is hoping to wrap that up soon. The houses involved are current on lodging taxes and reports but have not produced documents requested by the auditor.

Bill indicated that Baker County Parks will be closing October 1st for the season. Holcomb park will be closed off to traffic to limit damage during the winter months. Hewitt will remain open for boat launching. The restrooms will be closed but a portable toilet will be brought in.

Committee Comments:
Tyler asked about Sumpter. Kathy indicated hunting season has brought more hunters this year. Toni added that Sumpter has not been impacted by COVID. Bill agreed that outdoor activities; camping, hiking, hunting have seen a phenomenal increase to the area. There was discussion regarding ATV use on the highway in Sumper city limits. Kathy indicated that 70% of Polaris ATV sales are to brand new riders.

Buell met with the new YMCA Director and feels that partnership will go well. There will be a golf tournament fundraiser for the Letterman’s Club. 30 new high school students, from families that just moved to town, were registered. The school district council meeting will be tonight and they will be discussing when they will be brining K-6 kids back for in person classes.

Bill shared the virtual meeting platform is costing the County $7,000 per month. This could drastically hurt the County’s budget.

Tyler brought up increased vandalism. He said a shipping warehouse in Bend was broken into and tires on all the trucks and trailers were slashed.

Bill reminded everyone of the current fire restrictions.

Bryan asked Buell about interleague play. Buell explained that they had some events planned with La Grande but the practice requirements have not been met due to unhealthy air from smoke and a COVID outbreak in the school. The season will end before they can get all the required practices held. Session II of fall sports will begin October 12th.

Bryan talked about the increased price of real estate in Baker County.

Bill indicated there are 8-10 duplex units being constructed in Baker County and will be available in four months. Most of those have already been reserved. There are also a lot of new single dwelling houses being built. New homeownership leads to rentals opening up also.

Tyler shared that State level regulations on rent caps has resulted in landlords selling rental properties. In addition, there are COVID restrictions on evicting renters. Bryan shared that when selling a rental house regulations require 90 days for renters to move out.

Next Meeting:
October 22, 2020 @ 9:00 am

Meeting adjourned at 10:20

Respectfully Submitted:
Shelly Christensen