Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
March 19, 2020
Baker County Commission Chambers

Meeting called to order @ 9:00 am

Members Present: Loran Joseph, Kathy Reedy, Lea Gettle, Tyler Brown and Buell Gonzales

Guest Present: Jerry Shaw, Shelly Cutler, Fred Warner, Stacy Delong, Timothy Bishop, Shelly Christensen and Bill Harvey

Approve Minutes:
Meeting minutes from February 20, 2020 were reviewed. Loran moved that the minutes be approved and Kathy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Agenda:
Lea asked that the Bylaws Update be removed from the agenda. Loran moved that the agenda be approved with changes. Buell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Marketing Update: Timothy
Timothy shared that at the Oregon Festivals and Events Conference local volunteers Ken and Shirley McPheron were recognized as this years’ Oregon Festivals Volunteers of the Year for their work with the Baker City Broncs and Bulls for the last 26 years.

COVID19 has been Timothy’s life for the last three weeks and the impact that it has had on tourism and budgeting. Budget numbers were trending good before this pandemic. There has been a small increase in the last few days due to snow birds traveling back to Canada before the border is closed. Once restrictions are lifted it may take a few months for the tourism industry to come back. Budgeting still needs to be done for fiscal year 20-21. Timothy wants to budget the same $150,000 amount in 20-21 as was in 19-20. The focus will be changing to web based information. The challenges with the name change from Basecamp Baker to Travel Baker County remain. Timothy asked for permission to move forward with the name change and continue with our investment in the Baker County Visitors Guide. Lea asked if there are unused funds in our current budget for cooperative branding. She suggested those funds be used to help offset advertising costs for local businesses. Timothy said there are some funds available and he will get with Administrative Services to get a definite number. This budget will be less of a marketing budget and more of a recovery budget. This recovery may also involve cutting staff. Lea encouraged Timothy to move forward on these two issues. Loran also suggested that the grant funding may have unused funds that could be re-allocated.

The marketing budget includes an annual expenditure of $9,000 to EOVA for membership. Timothy would like to increase that $1,000 making the commitment $10,000. The increase is targeted to support the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway Marketing Coalition and their current application for a Travel Oregon Rural Tourism Studio. These additional funds could be taken from a non-essential marketing line. BCD needs matching funds for their grant application for placement of a full time RARE participant. Timothy is requesting a $7,500 commitment that will be dispersed next fiscal year. Tyler asked about EOVA and Travel Oregon being fully funded going forward. The motion to extend the .03% State lodging tax died in the short session. Timothy indicated that Travel Oregon will be reallocating funds focusing on recovery. EOVA as an RDMO is in better shape than most, based on the pro-rata formula of how much lodging tax is collected in that region. Our allocation is supplemented by Travel Oregon and Timothy said he doesn’t think that will change. Loran moved to approve these two expenditures and Kathy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Timothy suggested that the application for the Travel Oregon medium grant for the Elkhorn Scenic Byway project be tabled. The Committee agreed.

Lea confirmed with Timothy that he will be proposing a $150,000 marketing budget for fiscal year 2020-2021. She suggested scheduling a TLT budget work session.

Visitor Services Update: Shelly
Shelly shared with the Committee the February statistics. March visitor traffic looks very different than prior year. At this point visitors are not looking for tourism information and they are receiving no external tourism calls. The traffic that is coming through is coming to use the bathroom. These visitors are not locals but snow birds traveling back to Canada. She has checked with Union and Boardman and they have closed their Visitors Center. Lea suggested that Shelly close the Center in line with bar and restaurant restrictions. A sign will be posted immediately to close the Visitors Center with phone numbers for tourism information. The target date to re-open the Center will be April 28th and the situation will be reassessed next month at the TLTC meeting.

Financial Reports:
First quarter lodging tax payments are not due until April 15th. The numbers had little to no change from last month.

Citizen’s Participation:
Fred indicated that the City is working with Bryan Tweit, EDC Director, the Baker County Commissioners and EOC on communication with local businesses. An economic analysis surveys has been sent out to get accurate information regarding the impact of COVID19 in relation to layoffs and how the take-out/delivery service is working with restaurants. They are hoping to share information with lodging partners on restrictions. Loran suggested that the link to Oregon Health Authority be shared with hospitality providers to keep them informed of restrictions and changes. Loran indicated that unemployment benefits are available to parents who choose to stay at home with children that are not in school or if they are suffering from anxiety related to the contracting the virus. City offices are still open but traffic has dropped significantly. This will be reassessed as changes occur and the City offices follow the County offices in closures.

Strategic Planning Update: Lea
Lea indicated a lot of this has been put on hold in the last 30 days. The concept page has been sent to Fiber and they have received nine logos back. She will be taking charge of this and trying to move forward as best she can. The next step is public outreach which is difficult at this point.

EDC Update: Tyler
EDC met and made a recommendation to accept Bryan Tweit’s proposal as Director that expires in January 2021. The marketing budget will be addressed at the next meeting, which at this point may be cancelled. Bill indicated that Bryan will work to get information out to EDC members in the meantime.

Staff Comments:
Bill indicated that the opening of Hewitt-Holcomb park has been delayed until May 1st, barring any changes from the Governor. Water levels are slowly coming up. Launch areas are open but campground, showers and restrooms are closed.

Committee Comments:
Loran asked Timothy to forward the Oregon Health Authority link to Shelly Cutler and she will get that out to her contact list.

OTEC offices are closed to public but ramping up for construction season and getting new members hooked up. They have temporarily suspended disconnects for non-payment and late fees and are doing everything they can for community now.

Tyler shared that the sit down restaurant industry has been demolished with the take-out only order. They are trying to use up perishable food before it has to be thrown out. Small breweries have stopped production. He indicated that spraying Lysol is not killing anything. Surfaces have to be wet for one minute in order to kill this virus. One-third of the people they served on Wednesday night were displaced service workers. Tips received from other community members were phenomenal.

Buell indicated that schools are closed until April 28th.

Next Meeting:
April 16, 2020 @ 9:00 am
Meeting adjourned at 10:11

Respectfully Submitted:
Shelly Christensen