Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
April 20, 2023
Baker County Commission Chambers

Brian called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Members Present: Brian Vegter, Mandy Clark, Beverly Calder and Sheryl Brandt.

Guests Present: Kathy Taylor, Colleen Taylor, Matthew Koppenhaver, Bryan Tweit, Jessica Hobson, Devon Colton, and Shelly Christensen

Approve Agenda: Changes to the agenda include removal of Hells Canyon Update and Ginger Savage is unable to present Crossroad’s grant request due to a family emergency. Mandy moved to approve the agenda with changes. Beverly seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Minutes: Meeting minutes from March 18, 2023 were reviewed. Beverly asked to make a clarification to the minutes in a sentence under Baker City Downtown from “Beverly said BCD is a very important asset for Baker City tourism with no funding” to “Beverly said BCD is a very important asset for Baker City tourism with limited funding”. Beverly moved to approve the minutes with noted change. Mandy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Requests:
Haines Stampede & Rodeo – Colleen Taylor
Haines Stampede & Rodeo is requesting $2,500 for their event, to be held July 2nd – 4th. Grant funds will be used for marketing the event with posters, radio, and newspaper ads. Colleen stated this event has never requested grant funding from TLTC. This three-day event will bring spectators and participants to the Haines and Baker City areas of Baker County. The Haines Stampede Rodeo Association is working to improve ADA access and are making improvements to the bleachers. Radio advertising will be done through Elkhorn Media. Mandy recommended marketing the event in the Treasury Valley area. Jessica will get information and materials to boost the event on social media and send Colleen a radio contact in the Boise area. The Haines Stampede Rodeo Association will hold over 12-13 events this year. Brian suggested a QR code on the schedule of events be placed in shops & restaurants and a reallocation of the budget to include advertising in Idaho. Beverly moved to approve the $2,500 requested. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Crossroads Carnegie Art Center Towards Home – Ginger Savage
Ginger provided the Committee with a grant application via email. Bryan Tweit directed questions to Jessica, who has been working closely with Ginger on this marketing engagement. Grant funds will be used to hire DDRC Marketing of La Grande for marketing research and possibly as matching funds for other grant opportunities. This event will be in conjunction with the reopening of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in May of 2024. Beverly moved to approve the $5,000 grant requested. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Presentation:
Baker County Tournaments – Kathy Taylor
Kathy reported over 10,000 attendees to the tournaments with approximately 2,000 at each session. Local motels were full and restaurants were full to the point of turning people away. OSAA may consider changing tournament days to a Tuesday-Friday event. Tournaments will be held in Baker City through 2026, as contracted. Baker County Tournaments requests only $4,000 per year from OSAA to host the tournaments in contrast to other locations who request $10,000. OSAA now requires “shot clocks” be installed. The tournament committee will ask OSAA to provide funds for the cost of installation and training. Electrical wiring in the hospitality room is also a planned improvement. Kathy thanked the Committee for their support of the event and shared they were extremely happy with the results.

Tourism Marketing: Jessica Hobson
Jessica shared a recap of March/April’s social media marketing efforts. Jessica’s goal of 15,000 Facebooks likes has been reached. Her new goal is to obtain 3,000 Instagram followers. May events were listed and discussed. The billboard on Highway 7, at the South entrance to Baker City, is in place. Jessica is working to develop the other half of the billboard, which will be available soon, with an “all seasons” theme. Jessica partnered with Quail Ridge Golf Course to develop a spotlight video for social media though the Oregonian/Here is Oregon. During the Governor’s Conference a keynote speaker highlighted handicap accessibility. Bryan Tweit reported ODOT’s date of completion for Baker City’s project is October 1, 2023. Once complete, Baker City could be marketed as a highly accessible city. The Baker County Guide will go to print on May 2nd and distributed May 13th.

Visitor Services Update – Devon Colton
Devon reviewed her March report. There will be a wayfinding, feather flag placed on Campbell Street once the weather clears. Website updates continue with additional content and a more user-friendly site. Devon has been working with the Chamber Board to create a contract with local vendors for gift shop merchandise. The T-Shirt design contest will end next week. Once a winner is chosen, shirts will be printed and available at the gift shop. Devon indicated local history books are a popular item in the gift shop. Staff is working to update the kiosk with fresh paint and content. Devon also provided a fiscal year-to-date Profit & Loss Budget Overview report. Existing and potential locations of non-Tesla charging stations were shared.

Baker City Downtown: None

EDC Update: Bryan Tweit
Bryan reported on the success of the job fair with over a hundred business professionals and seven colleges attending. He indicated there are still over 200 open positions in Baker County. Bryan gave an update on the construction of workforce housing. The construction plan of Love’s station has been approved. After meeting with ODOT, Bryan found opportunities to advertise on blue freeway wayfinding signs. Bryan reported there is potential for a new truck stop to be built in North Powder. With the addition of truck stops providing ample truck parking, the probability of freeway closures positively impacting Baker City is higher. A Mayor’s convention, to be held in Baker City in 2024, will take place downtown. Bryan updated the Committee on the Event Center progress of mock up designs and platting the road. Bryan has been trying to meet with Baker County Fair Board to get their input and suggestions but have found they are not interested in participating.

Hells Canyon Update: None

Financial Reports: Shelly Christensen
First quarter lodging tax reports are due this month. The filing due date is April 15th. Shelly provided the Committee with a copy of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the City of Halfway. The agreement states the City of Halfway will receive $3,000 annually from the TLT Marketing budget “To assist County in its attempts to collect the tax on delinquent accounts.” After some discussion, Mandy made a motion to invite the City of Halfway to the next TLT meeting to discuss the continuation of the IGA. Beverly seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Citizen Participation:
Matthew reported no change in local gas prices. They have seen an increase in traffic due to the remodel closure of Maverik store, which will re-open April 21st.

Staff Comments: None

Committee Comments:
Mandy said she is glad to see signs of Spring and they are looking forward to a busy summer.

Brian reported Tyler has been working on Barley’s 25th anniversary celebration and received a big brewer’s award. Brian has attended meetings with NABC. The station will need to raise $15,000-$20,000 to begin broadcasting as KBZR. He discussed the controversy around AM broadcasting. Churchill has seen their first cycling guest of the season and he gave an update on concert ticket sales.

Sheryl shared groups that have booked their entire park for events in Sumpter. She indicated the Sumpter merchants were working together better and they have a group website that is shared with all the merchants. The website links to each businesses’ website. Bookings to date are only 1,400 shy to exceeding last years’ entire season. She has read the tourism/camping trend will not cease due to the economy. Under the current zoning ordinance, vacation rentals are unlawful in Sumpter. The City’s lawyer is working on amending the ordinance and the process of permitting and licensing that follows. Devon would like to put together itinerary packets for long-term visitor stays and asked Sheryl if she could meet with her. Beverly suggested Devon refer to past Baker Visitor Guides produced by the Baker City Herald where travel itineraries were once published.

Beverly will be working with Judge Greg Baxter, Sr. in planning Baker City’s 150th birthday celebration. Baker City Public Arts Commission will be working in conjunction for the celebration.

Next Meeting:
Work Session topics and dates were discussed. Shelly will contact members with availability of Commission Chambers.
May 18, 2023 @ 9:00 am
Beverly moved to adjourn, and Mandy seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:48
Respectfully Submitted: Shelly Christensen