Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
August 18, 2022
Baker County Courthouse – Commission Chambers

Tyler called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Members Present: Tyler Brown, Mandy Clark, Buell Gonzales, Shane Alderson, and Brian Vegter

Guests Present: Shelly Cutler, Matthew Koppenhaver, Becky Kaaen, Bryan Tweit, Jessica Hobson, Twila Lavery, Chelsea Judy, Melody Huff, and Bill Harvey

Approve Agenda: Changes to the agenda include the addition of the Baker County (Halfway) Fair and Rodeo grant request, move Visitors Services Update to follow Approve Minutes, and the addition of Jessica Hobson’s Baker County Tourism & Marketing Report. Mandy moved to approve the agenda with changes. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Minutes: Meeting minutes from June 16th were reviewed. Mandy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Shane seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Visitor Services Update – Shelly Cutler
Shelly provided the Committee with her June and July reports indicating the Center saw 206 travelers passing through in June and 223 in July. Sixty-one travelers seeking lodging in June, and 86 in July. One hundred forty-two travelers requesting County information in June and 178 in July. One hundred twenty-five requesting City information in June and 131 in July. The Center mailed 9 Visitor Packets in June and 17 in July. No Relocation Packets were mailed for either month. The Center received 109 visitor phone calls in June and 107 in July. Shelly also provided demographics of travelers. The Center saw their first international tourist since COVID from Germany and Switzerland in July.

Shelly noted that in July Jessica Hobson, Baker County Tourism & Marketing Director, joined the Center and stated it has been a great experience for Center staff with improved communication and collaboration.

Second Quarter Report
Shelly presented the Visitors Center’s April through June Profit & Loss statement. Snow removal expense of around $400 was paid in this reporting cycle and is included in the Landscape total of $922.55. The change in Visa fees passing through to consumers required a change of Visa machines. The $469.94 in Visa Fees represents the $454 fee for the old machine that had not been returned by the end of this reporting cycle. That amount will be refunded in the next reporting cycle.

Bill Harvey asked for a report on Miners Jubilee. Shelly responded that Jubilee was great; park vendor spots were sold out, radio advertising helped bring more visitors, broncs and bulls were not as big as last year, but good. This year they had increased sanitation in the park. Parade entries were about the same as in the past. At the next Chamber Board meeting, they will discuss political involvement in the park and parade. Bill Harvey suggested the Board provide guidelines. Shelly indicated this subject is addressed in the Chamber’s bylaws and the vendor contract. Becky Kaaen shared that she has spoken with vendors and they have commented that Miner’s Jubilee is the best vendor contract ever.

Tyler suggested moving the Second Quarter Performance Review to the September meeting.

Grant Requests:
Ison House Concerts – Twila Lavery
The Ison House is requesting $5,000 for advertising, permits, rentals and band fees for four concerts held between July 9th and August 27th. Twila provided a financial report outlining revenue and expenses paid to date. She indicated the grant funds would be used mostly for advertising. The lodging for the bands is provided by Twila at the Ison House, which results in lost revenue for her lodging establishment. Brian asked with only one concert remaining, would the grant funds be carried over for advertising next years’ concerts. Twila said she could use the fund to advertise the upcoming escape the Ison House event in mid-October or to help cover the operational costs of the last concert. Brian suggested Twila meet with Jessica for marketing help. Tyler explained the goal of the TLTC is to help market events. Twila estimated 220 attendees at each concert. Brian moved to grant the $5,000 request. Shane seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Taste of Baker – Chelsea Judy
Taste of Baker is requesting $1,500 to support radio ads with Elkhorn Media Group for this years’ event. Taste of Baker was last held in 2019 and they are looking forward to bringing the event back for 2022. Chelsea explained the change in the original grant request as a fundraiser for Baker City Downtown. Chelsea listed what is included in the advertising package from Elkhorn Media Group. Taste of Baker event will coincide with Studio Tours on October 8th. Brian suggested joint advertising of the events. Shane moved to grant the $1,500 request. Mandy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Baker County (Halfway) Fair and Rodeo – Melody Huff
The Baker County (Halfway) Fair and Rodeo is requesting $6,000 for advertising, children’s activities, restroom janitorial services, security/monitoring, entertainment, porta potties & hand washing stations and lodging. The Elkhorn Media Group radio ad was played for the Committee. Melody explained the Baker County Fair & Rodeo organization is an all-volunteer organization. Bill Harvey pointed out the budget indicates a break-even outcome. Brian asked for clarification of how grant funds would be used in reference to the budgeted expenses. After clarification, Brian pointed out TLT funds should be used for marketing rather than operational costs. Melody indicated advertising would be increased if the request is granted. Brian suggested TLT funds be used for increased advertising, payout or buckles rather than porta potties. Mandy pointed out this is a three-day event. Shane moved to grant the $6,000 request. Mandy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

EDC Update: Bryan Tweit
Brian reported that Baker County’s unemployment rate is the lowest in history, 40 people in Baker County are currently receiving unemployment benefits. There are 152 open jobs listed on the employment office website. There are four housing projects in process. The veteran housing project is running behind schedule. Brian shared results from a survey conducted by the State at of Oregon titled “where did all the people go?” This survey addressed work force changes due to the pandemic. He shared the collaboration happening between organizations to increase tourism revenue and promote economic development.

Hells Canyon Update: Becky Kaaen
Becky provided members with the Baker County (Halfway) Fair & Rodeo commemorative poster from last year. This event takes hours and hours of volunteer work. She expressed her thanks to Brian Harvey, Baker County Sheriff deputy for his presence at the event. She has spoken with Hells Canyon Adventures regarding a permit issue in June. Those issues have been resolved and they are back to normal. Lodging establishments in the Pine Valley area are hosting international visitors again. Pine Valley Vision 2050 is a group of folks that are looking at how to increase the benefits to the Pine Valley area. Lisa Dawson will hold free grant writing classes four Saturdays in Halfway during September and October.

Tourism Marketing: Jessica Hobson
Jessica shared her July and August reports. She has been working on additional signage at the I84 exit. Unfortunately, there is no billboard space available near the Baker City exit. The nearest available billboard is near Pendleton. She shared the cost is $1,500 per month and suggested cost sharing with local businesses. She will continue to work on this project and check with a company who may have available space in the Boise area. Discussion was tabled until she is able to get more information to present to the Committee. Jessica did a social media ad for Miner’s Jubilee and Rodeo, which received a lot of interest. August social media posts include Shrine Game, Baker County Fair, We Like ‘Em Short Film Festival and the Memory Cruise. Brian asked for the demographics of event views. Jessica shared an ad she ran in 1859 Magazine. She is working on an ad campaign to highlight businesses. Travel guides have been distributed. She wants to discuss using a different company for the distribution of next year’s guide in order to expand our reach. Oregon Trail Preservation Trust is applying for an OCF Historic Trails Fund grant for an OPB Radio and Digital Package. They have asked Travel Baker County to contribute $2,000 in matching funds toward the cost of $20,000. Jessica stated she is also working on an ad for Go Magazine for the upcoming Taste of Baker and Studio Tour event. Brian moved to approve expending $2,000 from the Heritage OR Trail Museum line for matching funds toward the OFC Historical Trails Fund grant to purchase an OPB radio ad. Buell seconded the motion. Tyler added the expenditure is contingent on the grant award. Motion carried.

Bill Harvey shared a new event happening in October at the Haines Rodeo Grounds. The Regional Junior Rodeo event will bring people from all over the region and is tentatively planned for October 8th & 9th.

Jessica asked the Committee to let her know if they would like additional information included in her monthly report. Brian asked about the drastic difference in Facebook vs Instagram numbers on her July report. Jessica responded that Facebook has options to invite, follow and like. It’s harder to engage viewers on Instagram. Jessica will research a YouTube channel. Tyler asked Jessica to share how her working from the Chamber is going. She reported she is enjoying working at the Chamber on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is always available by phone or email in addition to in-person on those days. She asked event coordinators for more lead-time in order to advertise their event, digital photos and more details. Jessica has been working on the daunting task of updating the website.

Bill Harvey asked about the event calendar. Jessica indicated Shelly Cutler is working on the calendar and they are working together to make sure the calendar is up to date.

Resolution to FY 22-23 Budget to Increase Event Grants:
Bill Harvey shared the Event Grant line was over expended last year by $8,000 and that this was not a problem because total budget expenditures were well under budget. He asked the Committee to meet in a work session to set grant award guidelines and how the event will measure success. Brian Vegter will share grant use guidelines from Travel Oregon grants with the Committee. Current fiscal year event grants are budgeted at $50,000. Grant guidelines and funding discussion was tabled to the September meeting. Tyler encouraged members to look over the current year budget before the September meeting.

Financial Reports: Shelly Christensen
Tyler shared the 2021-22 Fiscal Year End ending fund balance was $845,404.84 which doesn’t include July and August tax payments of second quarter reports. This is a record year. Bill Harvey reminded members to set aside a healthy reserve for upcoming, uncertain years. Having a healthy reserve made the pandemic years easier and recovery faster. Tyler suggested in a future meeting, the Committee review lodging tax percentage. Local lodging tax percentages are set by each County.

Citizen Participation
Melody Huff shared a flyer from last year’s Baker County (Halfway) Fair and Rodeo.

Matthew Koppenhaver said the price of fuel is going down slowly. Jackson’s is seeing their customer count go down. He pointed out that event posters are allowed to be posted at businesses, but are not allowed to be posted on streetlights and trees according to Baker City ordinance. Shane indicated there is up to a $500 fine for plastering light posts with posters.

Becky Kaaen shared there is going to be a Hells Canyon informational area in the entrance hallway of Old Pine Market. The area will be stocked with maps and brochures of the Hells Canyon area and Baker County.

Staff Comments: None
Bill Harvey shared he is working on building projects at Hewitt Holcomb park including a storage shed and a new office. There have been a quarter million dollars in improvements done at the park this year. Currently there are no campers and no water at the park. The season has been pretty good this year but ends after Labor Day. A vault bathroom will be installed at the park for fishermen during the closed season, which is an $80,000 project.

Committee Comments:
Tyler shared a thank you note from Brian Cimmiyotti for the Committee’s support of the Baker City Cycling Classic and plans for next year’s event. Bill Harvey reminded the Committee of next year’s construction on 10th Street and Hughes Lane (sidewalk and signage improvement).

Tyler asked the Committee for a motion to accept the re-appointment of himself and Buell to the Committee for another term. Brian moved to recommend to the Commissioners to re-appoint Tyler Brown and Buell Gonzales to the Transient Lodging Tax Committee. Tyler will continue his term as EDC representative until his EDC term expires in February or March of 2023. There are currently two open positions on the Committee. Applications are being collected and will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Buell has been working with Eastern Oregon University to attract opposing teams to stay in Baker City while playing games against EOU. Because of his efforts, Montana Tech’s football team will be staying in Baker City in late September.

Shane reported his store has been awful slow due to inflation, construction, and gas prices.

Mandy agreed since the recession hit and after the 4th of July weekend business has slowed.

Brian shared they hosted several artists during the film festival and have received positive feedback. Currently they are working on construction for the haunted studio event. He said they had a good year with the bike hostel but stays have slowed down.

Becky Kaaen indicated the chip sealing is done on Hwy 86 and is safe for motorcyclists and cyclists. Becky also asked when Cycle Oregon would be coming back to the area. Brian said in the past they have worked with the Chamber to organize rides and explained the variety of rides associated with Cycle Oregon.

Next Meeting:
September 15, 2022 @ 9:00
Meeting adjourned at 11:47
Respectfully Submitted: Shelly Christensen