Transient Lodging Tax Committee Work Session Minutes
March 1, 2022
Baker County Courthouse – Commission Chambers

TLTC work session began at 9:00 am.

Members Present: Tyler Brown, Shane Alderson, and Brian Vegter

Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget

Members present reviewed the fiscal year 2022-23 budget worksheet. Shelly Christensen reported total anticipated revenue of $675,000.

The budget was reviewed line by line, allocating amounts to each line. The following lines were added:

Cooperative Grant Advertising $10,000
Wayfinding $20,000
Logo Brand Development $40,000
Recruitment Incentive $10,000
Motorcycle ATV Specific $10,000

Note: It was later discovered that the budget numbers would need adjusting based on total anticipated revenue splits which reduced the marketing budget revenue to $472,500 (70% of $675,000).

Tyler adjourned the meeting at 1:00 pm for an hour lunch break. Meeting to reconvene at 2:00 pm to discuss Marketing Director Request for Proposal.

TLTC work session reconvened at 2:00 pm

Members Present: Tyler Brown, Shane Alderson, and Brian Vegter

Marketing Director RFP

There was discussion regarding the County’s guidelines for Request for Proposals. If a contract is less than $150,000 the contract does not have to go through a formal RFP process. Members present discussed the possibility of the Marketing Director position at .50 FTE rather than full-time. The position was budgeted at $69,000 with a $10,000 Recruitment Incentive. In reviewing the Project Brief – Tourism and Marketing Services the following changes were recommended:
Shelly Christensen will check with County Counsel for guidance the County’s guidelines on a formal RFP and report to TLTC members.

Work Session adjourned at 4:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted: Shelly Christensen