Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
March 17, 2022
Baker County Courthouse – Commission Chambers

Shane called the meeting to order at 9:02 am.

Members Present: Mandy Clark, Toni Thompson, Shane Alderson, Tori Thatcher, Buell Gonzalles, and Brian Vegter

Guests Present: Becky Kaaen, Carol Phillips, Bryan Tweit, Shelly Cutler, Bill Harvey and Shelly Christensen

Approve Agenda: Tori moved to approve the agenda. Mandy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Minutes: Meeting minutes from the February 17, 2022 were reviewed. Mandy moved that the minutes be approved as presented. Tori seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Requests:
Baker City Downtown – Carol Phillips
Last year TLTC awarded a grant in the amount of $2,600 to purchase flower basket hanging brackets for Downtown. Baker City Downtown is requesting $2,292 to purchase hanging systems that will greatly reduce the watering and attending needed to keep the flowerpots looking their best. Tori expressed her concern in how this request does not tie into the use of lodging tax dollars. The focus of lodging tax grant funding has always been “putting heads in beds”. Carol explained that this beautification would enhance the tourism experience. Shane agreed with Tori and added the funds should be used for marketing. The Committee suggested Ms. Phillips seek funding from EDC, the Cultural Coalition or Leo Adler grants. Brian moved to deny the request, Tori seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Visitor Services Update – Shelly Cutler
Shelly provided the Committee with her February report indicating the Center saw 63 travelers passing through, 34 travelers seeking lodging, 26 travelers requesting County information, and 31 requesting City information. The Center also mailed 22 Visitor Packets, one Relocation Packet and received 64 visitor phone calls. The drop in requested relocation packet information may be in response to the economy. Fuel costs have also brought spring travel down. Shelly has changed her monthly report to include demographics of visitors to the Center.

Shelly has been working with basketball tournament organizers to arrange dining engagements with local restaurants. The Sumpter/Halfway poker runs brought in numerous groups.

Upcoming events – The Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally has been cancelled for 2022. There have been four other groups that would like to organize/host a motorcycle rally and Shelly indicated that she will support their efforts. She has been busy organizing the Miners Jubilee and already has over two dozen registered vendors for the park. Marketing will be focused on Southern Washington and Western Idaho. The Broncs & Bulls event during Jubilee is returning. Shelly expressed her concern that local bars and restaurants will be able to handle the influx of visitors in light of staffing shortages. Shane encouraged Shelly, as Chamber Manager, to contact businesses so they plan to be open the weekend of the cancelled motorcycle rally and have entertainment because riders are coming. He also asked if she could provide organizers with contact information for vendors. Shelly indicated High Dessert Motorcycles has a list of vendors but that is an asset they are not willing to share and she doesn’t feel comfortable asking for the list. Bill Harvey commended Shelly on her knowledge in coordinating with High Dessert Motorcycles and suggested the TLTC set aside funding to support heavy advertising for events this year.

Tori shared a quarterly performance review of Visitor Services for BCU, which reflects services outlined in the RFP. She recommended the financial reporting piece contain a fiscal year to date profit & loss statement with previous year comparison and a budget vs actual report comparing this fiscal year to last year. The performance review will be conducted at the April TLTC meeting.

EDC Update: Bryan Tweit
Bryan shared his contract with EDC has been renewed for two more years. There are two directions EDC would like to take; jobs and jobs. Seek big companies to create new jobs and help existing businesses to add jobs. Helping existing business create more jobs is much easier and makes more sense. He asked Committee members to share their ideas and input with him to achieve this. There are over 100 individuals in Baker County receiving unemployment benefits, which calculates to .017%, way below average. New housing is creating a domino effect. A 15-20 low income, veteran housing facility is being built. This facility will be available to veterans only. Jerry Peacock reported that OSA officials appeared to be happy with the way the tournaments went this year. He commended Kathy Taylor and Jerry Peacock for a great job. The Job Fair is happening April 6th. There will be 400-500 junior and senior students attending. The Youth Entrepreneur summit was unbelievably successful. Photos and videos of the event will be posted on the website. A six-week business foundation course was just completed. Of the eight participants, three or four will be opening businesses. Another 10 week course will be available in April focused on customer outreach. There are currently 208 job openings in Baker County, predominantly in the medical field. Brian Vegter asked why real estate prices in Baker County are up while Wallowa County’s prices are down. Bryan Tweit answered, this could be due to Wallowa County putting a moratorium on vacation rentals and Baker City has a better draw for families. Bill Harvey added Baker City is more easily accessible to the freeway and less isolated.

Tourism Marketing
Budget & Proposal Review
The Committee received a copy of a proposed budget for fiscal year 2022-23 which was drafted at the March 1st work session. Bill Harvey expressed his concern in the amount of the Marketing Director’s salary for a half-time position. Shelly Christensen shared information she received from Christena Cook, County Finance Director, regarding designation of a portion of the contingency fund into unencumbered ending balance. In doing this, that portion is inaccessible until the next fiscal year. Shane stated the budgeted amount of $69,000 for the Marketing Director position was with the intent to hire a part-time position but have funds available to move to full time if necessary. Tori shared she was excited to see money allocated to Wayfinding and Branding. Bill cautioned the Committee to keep reserve funds, as there may be a shortfall in revenue this year due to high fuel prices. He also suggested marketing regionally; Bend, Tri-Cities and Boise areas. Tori said the Marketing position should be advertised as a full time position. Shane agreed that a prospective applicant might not want to relocate for a part-time position. Brian moved to accept the draft budget with notation that the Marketing Director budget is for a full time position. Buell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Becky Kaaen expressed the convenience for outlying communities to have access to the Marketing Director and suggested having hours of business in the Visitors Center. Tori suggested the proposal be more specific by adding #5 to Section 1 – General Information A. Project Overview Purpose of the Engagement to state, “Maintain office in Baker City with regular hours of availability”. Under C. Other Conditions General Conditions of Contract add, “Office space will be provided, if needed”. Timeline dates were set as follows. Date of Issue: April 21, 2022, Time and Date Proposal is Due: May 9, 2022, Proposed Start Date of Engagement June 1, 2022, Proposed End Date of Engagement: June 1, 2024. Advertising will be done in the local newspaper, County website, Visit Baker website, Travel Baker County website and Bryan Tweit will also advertise on his website. Tori made a motion to approve the RFP with additions. Buell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Reallocation of Funds in Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget
Brian requested a funding change in order to increase TLTC’s buy-in for cooperative ads in the EOVA Guide and Baker City Guide. His recommendation is to transfer $10,000 from Marketing Director Contract to Cooperative Marketing Baker County. There was discussion around the percentage of cost the TLTC funds would cover. It was agreed the ads would be sold with a 90% buy-in of TLTC funds and a 10% cost to businesses. Shelly Cutlter volunteered to contact Susan Crow to help boost ads in the EOVA guide. Tori moved to reallocate $10,000 from the Marketing Director line to the Cooperative Marketing Baker County line. Brian seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Hells Canyon Update: Becky Kaaen
Becky provided a copy of the Hells Canyon Journal. She reported the crab feed was a huge success and had over 600 attendees. She stated Halfway’s winter economy booms due to snowmobiling. May events include May 1st the ½ way ½ marathon that is a 13.1 mile, 1,500 foot increase in elevation marathon organized by Caleb Brown as his High School senior project. The Chautauqua Music Festival will be May 20th – 22nd in Richland and a car and quilt show over the Memorial Day weekend. The junior rodeo is scheduled for June 25th & 26th. There will be a fundraiser dance for the Chautauqua Music Festival this Saturday night at New Bridge. Halfway is home to two state wrestling champions.

Financial Reports: Shelly Christensen
Shelly shared an abatement of penalty request with the Committee. House #89 is requesting abatement of penalty for the late filing and payment of fourth quarter 2021 lodging tax due to medical reasons. Mandy moved to abate $294.43 in penalties. Buell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Shelly reported not much change to the financial reports. Fourth quarter 2021 tax reports have been received and first quarter 2022 aren’t due until April 15th.

Shelly Cutler is working on an updated occupancy list. She suggested that in order to continue to track Baker County’s occupancy the TLT Lodging Application form be changed to request capacity in the facility rather than number of rooms.

Citizen Participation
Matthew Koppenhaver indicated during the State tournaments he saw a lot of residual traffic and is curious how traffic during spring break will be with current fuel prices. Matthew heard from an internal auditor of Jacksons that the lodging establishment where she was staying indicated they might be changing to a national franchise.

Strategic Planning Update – None

Staff Comments: None
Bill Harvey updated the Committee on improvements being made at Hewitt Holcomb parks. The parks will be open April 1st for the season and he is concerned about the drop in campers due to high fuel prices. In the improvements at Hewitt, the number of RV sites were reduced but there are now 26 larger RV sites. He pointed out the parks are not funded through a tax levy and are steadily losing money. Water levels should be up by Memorial Weekend.

Committee Comments:
Mandy indicated the Baker County Fairgrounds received a really big grant to make improvements. Bill Harvey will be meeting with the Fair Board about improvements.

Shane shared that business was slow in January and February but is starting to pick up.

Toni reported homes are selling to people out of the area and are being used as vacation rentals.

Shelly Cutler is working on Baker City staycation information.

Next Meeting:
April 21, 2022 @ 9:00
Meeting adjourned at 11:08
Respectfully Submitted: Shelly Christensen