Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
November 20, 2019
Baker County Courthouse

Meeting called to order @ 9:00 am

Members Present: Loran Joseph, Karen Owen, Lea Gettle, and Buell Gonzales

Guest Present: Mindy Sherrieb, Colleen Taylor, Kathy Taylor, Rick Taylor, Mike Rudi, Mandy Clark, Brian Vegter, Timothy Bishop, Bill Harvey, Fred Warner, and Shelly Christensen

Approve Minutes:
Meeting minutes from October 17, 2019 were reviewed. Loran moved that the minutes be approved and Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Agenda:
Loran moved that the agenda be approved. Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Request:

Baker County Tournaments & Hospitality Room – Colleen Taylor and Kathy Taylor
Baker County Tournaments requested $5,000 for costs associated with the production of the OSAA State Basketball Tournament and $3,500 for costs related to the hospitality room for both State and District tournaments. The event is put together by volunteers. Eight schools or 16 teams participate in the OSAA tournament. Kathy has been busy working out lodging accommodations with the teams. There will be a booth at the tournament to provide information and a listing of amenities for visitors and teams. Loran moved to grant the $8,500 requested. Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Night at Old Auburn – Friends of the Museum - Mindy Sherrieb
Friends of the Museum requested $1,500 to offset the cost of out of the area marketing, a shuttle service and live band for the Night at Old Auburn event to be held February 29th. This is a fundraising event that has raised an average of $8,000 in past years for the Museum. This year the event is expanding to include live music and dancing. The Committee requested that TLTC grant funding be used strictly for out of the area marketing. Loran moved to grant the $1,500 with the condition all funding would be used for marketing. Buell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Presentations:

Baker City Cycling Classic – Brian Vegter
Brian thanked the Committee for their support of the cycling classic. This was the 19th year for the cycling classic but unfortunately due to the US & Canadian Nationals they saw a decrease in participation. This was the first year that there were no accidents. Brian is working with OBRA to coordinate next years’ event. Changing the date of the event is not an option due to weather and conflicting with other events.

We Like ’em Short Film Festival – Brian Vegter
This year marked the 10th year for the film festival. There were two venues this year, the Eltrym and Churchill School. Attendance was about the same as the prior year. The weather cooperated this year and approximately 80 people attended the Thursday night screening in Central Park.

Churchill Concert Series – Brian Vegter
The first season (May – October) of the concert series brought 5 – 10 touring acts to Churchill. The addition to partnering with food and drink vendors has added to the events. Brian indicated they are using Instagram and e-letter to advertise upcoming concerts.

Hells Canyon Jr. Rodeo – Mandy Clark
This years’ event was considered a great success and is a step closer to bringing this event back to its former glory. Mandy reported they had 80 contestants, mostly from Idaho. They worked hard to keep the event flowing and from running too late. They are moving the date of this event next year to the last weekend in June. There is no admission charge to the event however attendees are encouraged to purchase raffle tickets.

Carl Wendt Bronc Ride – Mandy Clark
Mandy reported that the event was a success in terms of entries, increased audience and great overall feedback. They had 22 bronc riders,11 pony riders and 15 mutton busters participate in the Wednesday night event. This event was originally established to bring more people to the Baker County Fair. The arena was provided at no charge with the stipulation that no admission fee would be charged to attendees. Mandy indicated that the Elkhorn Media Group advertising brought in several last minute attendees. Next year, due to scheduling conflicts, they hope to move the event to a different location and different date. Timothy suggested moving the event to September rather than Memorial weekend as that weekend is already at or near lodging capacity.

East-West Shrine Football Game – Mike Rudi
The event was granted $7,500 which is used toward the $38,000 contract to televise the football game with Root Sports. The game aired three times. Ticket sales were up this year and they heard that this was one of the best games in recent years. Events begin on Thursday and run through the weekend. Mike noted that the School District is an important partner in the success of this event at no cost to the event. The net proceeds from the game go to the Shriner’s Hospital. This years’ contribution has not been determined but looks like it will be pretty close to the $27,000 contribution last year.

Marketing Update: Timothy
Timothy indicated he will be attending the EOVA Regional Stakeholder gathering in Ontario tomorrow along nine delegates from Baker County. One delegate from Baker County will attend the Arlington meeting. EOVA has had a huge response to their grant program. There are at least six Baker County partners that are planning to apply for grants. They have spent a fair amount of time responding to inquiries, answering questions and guiding potential applicants through the first steps of submitting the project idea form.

The Marketing Committee is currently trying to reengage the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway Marketing Committee by bolstering the byways’ online and social media presence and having Rick Dancer with Exploregn come back for a winter recreation feature in early January.

There is money in the marketing budget to provide 3-$1,000 scholarships to the 2020 Go West in Portland. Timothy has three delegates that have shown an interest in attending with some financial support. Dan Sizer with Go West American Adventures will be the contractor leading the group for the pre fam tour.

The Marketing Committee is planning to apply for a medium grant with Travel Oregon for a wayfinding, recreation access and interpretation signage plan for the Elkhorn Scenic Byway.

Financial Reports:
Third quarter payments are complete and numbers look better than last year.

Citizen’s Participation:

Strategic Planning Update:
The branding grant application that the Marketing Committee is working on is a major portion of the goals in the Strategic Plan. Lea indicated she received the branding concept from Tori yesterday that the Committee will review at the December meeting.

EDC Update:
Karen indicated at the last EDC meeting they participated in a tour of Baker Technical Institute. On October 31st there was a work session to discuss combining the EDC position with Community Development as a full time staff position. The contract will include the requirement to provide office space and staff. They will be working on an RFP to discuss at the next meeting on December 10th. The draft RFP has been sent to all EDC members for review. Bill commended Karen on her work writing the RFP.

Staff Comments:
The RFP’s for Marketing Director and Visitors Services has been posted to the County’s website and a notice was scheduled to run in the Baker City Herald on 11/18, 11/25 & 12/2.

Shelly shared with the Committee an annual update letter to be mailed to lodging operators regarding lodging tax rate & ordinance highlights. She also provided a copy of HB3137 which changes when State lodging tax revenue is reported to “stay ending” rather than when revenue is received.

Bill shared the lodging establishments that did not provide adequate information for the audit did not respond to the attorney’s letter requesting the information. The attorney is following the ordinance for the next step. In this process the attorney will be reviewing the ordinance and will make recommended changes.

Timothy asked that the Committee consider changing the wording on the grant application to ensure that applicants are coordinating with other partners involved in projects funded by TLTC grants. The Committee agreed. Shelly will work with Timothy to make that change.

Committee Comments:
Lea indicated that there are some changes to the Cap and Trade Bill that could affect lodging tax revenue.

Bill asked Buell to share plans to utilize the sports complex facilities. Buell indicated that there are plans to have an event at the complex nearly every weekend after next Spring. Eastern Oregon University has expressed an interest in bringing sporting events to Baker City. Some improvements need to be made to the track & field area to bring more events to that area and in the future, possible changes to the football arena to increase diversity.

Next Meeting:
December 12th, 2019 @ 9:00 am

Meeting adjourned at 10:48

Respectfully Submitted:
Shelly Christensen