Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
August 17, 2023
Baker County Commission Chambers

Tyler called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Members Present: Brian Vegter, Mandy Clark, Alysia Bowers, Beverly Calder, Matthew Koppenhaver, Sheryl Brandt and Tyler Brown.

Guests Present: Devon Colton, Bryan Tweit, Jessica Hobson, Ariel Reker, Becky Kaaen, Desi McGinn, Erin Linan, Bruce Nichols, Christina Witham, and Shelly Christensen

Approve Agenda: Brian moved to approve the agenda. Mandy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Minutes: Meeting minutes from July 20th were reviewed. Matthew noted a typographical error under Committee Comments Barley Browns was spelled Barely Browns. Beverly moved to approve minutes with the noted correction. Matthew seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Requests:
Oregon Jr. High Rodeo – Desi McGinn
Oregon Jr. High Rodeo is requesting $5,000 for their event to be held September 22nd – 24th . Grant funds will be used to help pay for the arena rental, stock, and prizes for the athletes. Jessica met with Desi and reviewed the grant application. They are expecting 75 to 100 participants. The rodeo is for kids in 5th to 8th grade. Desi explained that the grant request is up from last year due to the increase in stock, additional toilets and dumpsters and the increased cost of awards. Entry fees are anywhere from $25-$30 depending on the event. The event will be free to spectators. They have invited local food vendors. Beverly asked if there is a plan for this event to be self-sufficient in the future. Desi answered not at this time, there has been a lot of transition in organizers of the event. Brian suggested increasing revenue from vendors and sponsors. Beverly moved to award a $3,500. Mandy seconded the motion. Mandy indicated the long-term goal in hosting this event last year was to bring the Oregon High School Rodeo to Baker County. Hosting the Oregon High School Rodeo in Baker County would be a major event. Motion carried.

Tourism Marketing Update – Jessica Hobson
Jessica shared her social media posts, which included the Bigfoot Festival. This event was not as successful as they had hoped. She has a meeting with organizers tonight to discuss results, she will suggest a two-day vendor event next year. Baker County Fair sale results were amazing. Upcoming events that she is currently boosting; We Like’em Short Film Festival, Baker County Halfway Fair, Durkee Steak Feed & Memory Cruise, Churchill comedian, The Great Salt Lick, PineFest and Oregon Jr. High Rodeo.

Facebook likes are at 15,888 and Instagram follows at 3,425. Jessica reviewed other posts that received reactions and shares. She listed upcoming events and received additional information from Committee members.

Jessica is working to help collect editorial and information for a map that will feature the recreational side of Hells Canyon. Devon and Jessica met with Gabi from Travel Oregon to discuss “Why Guides” program for guides and outfitters. They also learned how they can help lodging partners navigate the international market.

Jessica encouraged TLTC members to be involved in discussions with ALORA and EDC on tourism related facilities so the Committee knows the thoughts and dynamics of what they want to do. Beverly added reaching out and having more conversations with asset people, such as museum directors, will be beneficial. Jessica suggested lodging partners be part of the conversation as well. It was suggested that the Committee have a work session where interested parties could attend. Tyler indicated County Counsel is researching the definition of a tourism related facility. At the last EDC meeting, it was decided the bylaws need updating. Tyler said TLTC bylaws need to be finished. He will get a draft copy of the TLTC bylaws to Committee members.

Other things Jessica is working on are the Eclipse happening October 14th, EOVA application for a Travel Oregon grant, distribution of guides, funding update and fabrication of a panel for the Hole in the Wall interpretive site,

Jessica met with the YMCA regarding the possibility of a one-time grant request to purchase equipment for pickleball tournaments. This request will be for two 3-4 day tournaments each year. The Committee agreed to review the marketing plan in order to make a decision on grant funding.

Jessica reported a billboard is available on I84, the cost is $1,000 per month. Becky suggested a partnership with Pine Valley Lodge.

Jessica will be attending an ORLA Hospitality Conference to be held September 30th – October 2nd in Ashland.

Lastly, Jessica is working on a “What’s on the Menu” brochure that will feature local restaurants, listing a couple specialty menu items with hours and location. Beverly suggested including makers (any shop that sells edibles) to the brochure. Each edition will have a featured eatery and a non-food advertiser. Beverly asked Jessica to email a thumbnail guide listing upcoming events for frontline staff.

Visitor Services Update – Devon Colton
Devon distributed her July 2023 report to Committee members. The Center saw 243 visitors passing through, 63 overnight stays, 30 residents, 432 vehicles charging, six visitor/relocation packets were mailed, 178 visitors coming in to use the restroom, 288 travelers requesting/accepting information, and 81 visitors doing Chamber business. Devon mentioned the Center receives calls requesting information on job openings and housing availability.

Devon and Jessica met with Gabi Duarte; she is with the Travel Oregon Global Sales team. They brainstormed and discussed international marketing and tourism partnerships. T-shirts and hats are available in the gift shop. The local vendor contract has been approved by the Chamber board with a 30% commission to the Chamber. They are accepting applications from local vendors. Improvements have been made to the flower barrel near the kiosk. Results were received from the accessibility study showing improvements need to be made in the parking lot and access to the Center. Devon will be using these results to apply for Travel Oregon’s Competitive Grant Program. Miners Jubilee was the main project for the Center in July. Feedback surveys for both participants and vendors were mailed. This information will be used for future improvements. Devon is willing to share results of the survey with the Committee upon request. Devon will email financial reports for fiscal year 2022-23 and July of 2024 to Shelly to distribute to the Committee.

Devon met Chamber members in the Richland/Hafway areas and will be visiting Sumpter.

Baker City Downtown: Ariel Reker
Ariel reminded the Committee of The Sycamore Tree’s 35th anniversary, there will be a celebration on Saturday. The renovation, under the Revitalization grant, of the upper story windows of the Mason Building is almost done. The architect is finishing plans for the Pythian Castle project so work can start. Ariel provided the Committee with a copy of a poster she created explaining the Community Views project and the purpose of the project. July’s wine walk was not as successful as hoped due to the heat. Ariel attended an Oregon Main Street Network meeting in La Grande and was able to meet other Oregon Main Street executive directors, coordinators and board members. Coordinating window displays for the Shrine Game was not her favorite endeavor and she has plans to change the process next year. Court Street Plaza plans are finalized and fundraising along with grant writing is going to begin. The project is an estimated $1.3 million dollar project for downtown. The goal date for completion is 2025-26. Taste of Baker vendor application are rolling in, applications are not due until September 1st. Wine walk for September will be partnering with Powder River Music Revue. The theme is Harvest Hop. Ariel will be guiding a downtown tour for the Oregon Cultural Foundation on September 8th with 20-25 participants. Ariel will also be attending an Oregon Main Street annual conference on October 4th – 6th. While there, she will be competing in a “pitch” competition for the Baker 150 Contribution, which is the world history project. She met with Erin at the School District to discuss plans to work with the students who attend the Friday extension program. She will be training students so they can participate in this world history project. This project will connect youth with elderly members of the community.

EDC Update: Bryan Tweit
Bryan read the definition, according to the State of Oregon, of a tourist facility. The master site plans are the next step in moving forward with the Event Center. He has been working on some really good youth programs with local businesses through State of Oregon, Business Oregon and a mentor match program in Halfway. Local high school youth partnered with TVCC during the summer working on projects. Students got to work, were paid and earned college credits. Worksource Oregon is helping develop training and information for frontline employees to use to promote all of Baker County. EDC is working with ODOT on wayfinding, specifically what can and can’t be done. Baker County currently has over 200 openings of good paying jobs with benefits available, however, the problem is finding rentals. There have been several inquiries from businesses wanting to open a location in Baker City. Bryan sent the City Manager information on the number of available rooms in Baker City.

Hells Canyon Update: Becky Kaaen
Becky provided the Committee with a copy of the Hells Canyon Journal and shared information on articles. She explained the Mentor Match Program that Bryan mentioned. The purpose of the program is to grow entrepreneurs that will go to college or a trade school and come back to rural areas to start a business. Halfway is updating their public restrooms to make them wheelchair accessible. Becky asked the Committee to consider one event, held in each community, that participates in TLT funding, receive Blockbuster Event funding. Hells Canyon area grant awards for the last six years is right under 24% of tax dollars received from the Hells Canyon area. Brian Vegter asked if there was a time when less funding was granted due to less grant money being requested. Becky stated that there were years when no grant funding was requested and attributes that to event organizers not knowing about the TLT grant-funding program. She has been educating event organizers and encouraging them to apply. Mathew asked Becky if she has communicated with Jared Rivera who organizes the Brownlee Crappie Shootout regarding his event contributing to lodging in the city of Richland who does not participate in the collection and payment of lodging taxes to Baker County. Becky responded that most people have no idea that the city of Richland does not contribute to Baker County lodging taxes. Beverly pointed out that in addition to event grant funding the Hells Canyon area benefits from the marketing budget and marketing done by Jessica. Becky expressed her appreciation for grant funding and marketing support the Hells Canyon area has received.

Crossroads Art Center – Ginger Savage
Tyler directed the Committee to Ginger’s report she provided via email. Brian pointed out the $250,000 budget they are working on for the Smith show. The Center has received a $10,000 grant from Ash Grove Cement for gift shop upgrades.

Financial Reports: Shelly Christensen
Brian asked Jessica about the different types and cost for boosting an event on social media and if she is doing any radio campaigns. She responded that she tries to boost each promotion for 30 days at $5 per day and she currently is not doing any radio campaigns but will be looking into doing more.

Shelly reported revenue for the second quarter of 2023 (April-June). Collections are good. Bryan asked about reports and revenue from online intermediaries and if that information is categorized by area of the County. Shelly responded that online intermediaries file one report with all revenue lumped together and does not designate an area. There was some discussion about the city of Richland’s decision to opt out of participating in lodging tax collection. The Committee agreed this topic needs to be brought up again with the city of Richland. Tyler noted the fiscal year to date ending balance of $1.3 million.

Citizen Participation: None

Staff Comments:
Shelly directed the Committee to the draft copy of the Blockbuster Event application. She will email the application to Jessica for distribution. Criteria to qualify as a Blockbuster event needs to be addressed. Shelly shared the results of the survey that was mailed to lodging establishments. The events listed were only those that were supported by TLT funding. The top five events were Miner’s Jubilee, State and District Basketball Tournaments, Baker City Cycling Classic, E-W Shrine Football Game, and Sumpter Valley Days/Flea Markets. Shelly suggested the criteria for a Blockbuster event be a work session topic.

An Order to appoint Matthew Koppenhaven to the TLTC was signed by Commissioners at their August 16th session with a term expiration of 8/1/25. The Commissioners also signed Amendment #1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement between Baker County and the City of Halfway.

Shelly provided the Committee with a copy of a survey from a lodging establishment that provided several comments regarding events and funding. Beverly asked if it would be beneficial to do a press release from the TLTC on how the vacation rental platform works. She suggested that be done after the criteria for Blockbuster Events is established. Tyler suggested compiling a year-end report for the press release. Bruce agreed that a year-end report/press release is a great idea that would alleviate a lot of miscommunication. Bruce suggested a brochure of the annual report that would be available all the time for the general public to review. Beverly suggested posting the year-end report on the County website and linked to the Chamber and Travel Baker County’s websites. Devon volunteered to help create a Venn diagram to help people understand the roles of Marketing Director, Visitors Center Director, and Baker City Downtown Director. Tyler suggested the creation of a year-end report be added to the work session agenda.

Committee Comments:
Matthew provided a table listing lodging taxes in other in Eastern Oregon communities. Beverly asked the Committee how they felt about a Tourism Promotion Assessment Charge. Matthew pointed out that the TPAC revenue does not fall under state mandated use of lodging tax. The tax would have its own ordinance and can be dedicated for other uses such as tourism related infrastructure or tourism facility. Brian asked how the TPAC would be collected for vacation rentals/airbnbs whether through an online intermediary or directly from lodgers. Beverly asked Devon if she could ask the Pendleton Visitors Center how TPAC is able to be linked directly to their platform payments. Sheryl shared her perspective of the difficulty with the campsite platform that she uses in adding a dollar amount rather than an increase to percentage. She would recommend an increase to the percentage of lodging tax rather than a set dollar amount based on room/space nights. Mandy explained that you can add any type of fee to an Airbnb account. Alysia shared when booking a room and quoting additional taxes and fees to the room price causes the lodger to shop around. Alysia was not encouraged by the results of her calculations in increasing the lodging tax rate at her establishment. Sheryl and Mandy agreed that bookings for the upcoming quarter are down from prior years. Mandy indicated multiple night stays are up for that period. There was discussion around the possibility of increasing the lodging tax rate. Beverly suggested the tax rate in Baker County be in line with the other areas in Eastern Oregon. The Committee agreed to compare other communities lodging tax revenue with Baker County’s in the Dean Runyon report. Beverly shared that if the TLTC decides not to increase the County-wide lodging tax rate it is highly likely that Baker City would enact a lodging tax. Alysia asked if there was a possibility that both increases could happen; an increase to the County-wide lodging tax in addition to the City enacting a lodging tax. Beverly responded that the Council would not be as likely to approve a City lodging tax if the County-wide lodging tax were more in line with other Eastern Oregon communities. There was discussion around out-of-state visitors’ perspective of tax. Brian stated the real discussion is how can we better use this tax that we are collecting for community benefits. Beverly added we need to determine a policy of what is a tourism related facility. Tyler has asked County Counsel for that information.

Work Session items will be Blockbuster Event criteria, annual press release/year-end report, flow chart of responsibilities and tax rate.

Tyler thanked Sheryl for her service on the Committee. She thanked the Committee and stated serving has been a good education for her.

Beverly shared Baker City is an official member in the consortium Regional Rural Revitalization which is focused on workforce/alternative housing. A director will be hired by the end of the month. The City will be working with Economic Development on hiring an urban renewal agency to address the challenges on Broadway and 10th Streets. She shared that Christina Witham sent her a text recommending marketing 150 things to see and do in Baker City as part of the 150th celebration.

Next Meeting:
September 21, 2023 @ 9:00 am

Meeting adjourned at 12:15
Respectfully Submitted: Shelly Christensen