Transient Lodging Tax Committee Minutes
October 17, 2019
Baker County Courthouse

Meeting called to order @ 9:00 am

Members Present: Kathy Reedy, Loran Joseph, Karen Owen, Lea Gettle, Chelsea Judy, Tori Brown and Buell Gonzales

Guest Present: Robert Armbruster, Laramie Shanks, Maggie Schirack, Timothy Bishop, Bill Harvey, Fred Warner, and Shelly Christensen

Approve Minutes:
Meeting minutes from September 19, 2019 were reviewed. Loran moved that the minutes be approved and Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Approve Agenda:
Changes to the agenda were; Grant Requests name should be Oregon Trial Heritage Museum, remove Independent Accountant’s Report on Applying Agreed Upon Procedures, and remove Visitor’s Center Update. Loran moved that the agenda be approved with changes. Chelsea seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Request:

Oregon Trail Heritage Museum – Maggie Schirack
Maggie is requesting $1,500 to purchase 1,500 brochures, including graphic design. This brochure will highlight the rock, gem and mineral exhibit. She had 5,500 visitors this season. Timothy suggested ordering more brochures for a greater cost savings. Loran moved to grant the $1,500 requested, Chelsea seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Grant Presentations:

Sumpter Valley Days – Laramie Shanks
Laramie provided the Committee with an itemized breakdown of monies spent and a copy of the brochure marketing Sumpter and upcoming events. There was an unused balance of $32.02 which she returned to the Committee. These funds will be credited back to the grant funding general ledger line. She reported a successful event with vendors making more money this year than any other year. Upon Bill Harvey’s suggestion Laramie contact the Baker County Veterans Department for joint advertising as the event had a “Vets and Pets” focus. She thanked the Committee for their support and pointed out on the brochure acknowledging “Funding for this brochure is by: The Transient Lodging Tax Committee”.

Friends of the Sumpter Valley Dredge – Robert Armbruster
Bob shared a picture of the Sumpter Valley Gold Dredge Visitors Center sign and stated that the sign will be hung in the Spring of 2020 due to the end of the dredge season and upcoming winter weather. He shared other improvements the dredge will be making in the future which include; updating the POS system, website development, and possibly expanding tours to include upper levels of the dredge. Bob also shared an informative book with great pictures that the gift shop has for sale. He also stated there is an opening on the Friends of the Dredge Board. Bob thanked the Committee for their support and stated there will be a byline on the back of the sign acknowledging funding from the Transient Lodging Tax Committee.

Marketing Update: Timothy
Timothy encouraged everyone to participate in the Oregon Tourism Workforce Survey by November 8th. He also encouraged Committee members to attend the EOVA and Travel Oregon Regional Stakeholder Gathering on Tuesday October 22nd at 10 am in Ontario. The guidelines to the grant program will be presented at this meeting.

Taste of Baker and the Studio Tours saw significant growth this year with a large number of visitors from the Boise area throughout the weekend.

The release date for the AmericArt2019 documentary is scheduled for May or early June. They are working with the producer to coordinate a special premiere showing in Baker City at the Eltrym Theater.

Timothy reported that in 2018 Oregon’s travel and tourism industry generated $12.3 billion in visitor spending with Baker County reporting $49 million.

Audit Update; Bill Harvey
A demand letter from Corey, Byler & Rew, LLP Attorneys at Law, to the management of houses that did not provide information to complete the audit was reviewed. The Committee expressed their frustration in the leniency afforded to these houses. Bill Harvey indicated the County is following the procedure outlined in the current ordinance. He also indicated County Counsel is reviewing the current ordinance and will offer suggestions for change.

Request for Proposals; Lea

Baker County Tourism and Marketing Services
Lea presented a draft Request for Proposal for the Committee to review. Engagement detail dates were changed on the draft copy. Lea asked for a motion to approve the RFP with changes and giving the County permission to make minor changes to grammar. Loran moved to accept the RFP for Baker County Tourism and Marketing Services with changes. Tori seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Due to the changes made to the engagement detail dates it was recommended that the current Professional Services Agreement with Timothy Bishop be extended to March 31, 2020. Loran moved to extend the existing PSA. Tori seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Baker County Visitors Services
Lea presented a draft Request for Proposal for the Committee to review. Engagement detail dates were changed on the draft copy. Lea asked for a motion to approve the RFP with changes and giving the County permission to make minor changes to grammar. Chelsea abstained. Loran moved to accept the RFP for Baker County Visitors Services with changes. Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Due to the changes made to the engagement detail dates it was recommended that the current Professional Services Agreement with Baker County Unlimited be extended to March 31, 2020. Chelsea abstained. Loran moved to extend the existing PSA. Karen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Bylaws: Lea
Lea presented a draft copy of the Transient Lodging Tax Committee Bylaws. There were changes with the addition of the established date of 2006 and the removal of the 7% tax rate. Loran moved that the bylaws be accepted with changes. Chelsea seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Financial Reports:
Third quarter payments are not complete at this time.

Citizen’s Participation:

Strategic Planning Update:
Focus is still on branding. Tori and Chelsea will have more time now that travel season has slowed to concentrate on completion of the creative brief.

EDC Update:
Karen indicated at the last EDC meeting there was discussion related to the upcoming school bond. A special meeting has been scheduled for October 22nd to discuss possible EDC Director position requirements. Fred indicated he is also working on revising EDC bylaws.

Staff Comments:
Shelly asked for direction related to the Ordinance, Section 2 b). Tax Imposed which states “In September of each year the Administrator will notify the lodging establishment operators, by October 10th of that year, what the tax rate for the next calendar year will be.” It was agreed this would be a good opportunity to detail some of the lodging establishment’s requirements outlined in the ordinance. It was decided that a letter would be drafted and reviewed at the November meeting.

Bill shared that gold mining on County property in the Sumpter area will begin next Spring. The gold mining in the Halfway area is going good and the bids received for the Richland Fire Department RFP came back too high.

Committee Comments:

Next Meeting:
November 21st, 2019 @ 9:00 am

Meeting adjourned at 10:15

Respectfully Submitted:
Shelly Christensen