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A. The proposed name of the subdivision.

B. North arrow, scale and date of the drawing.

C. Appropriate identification to show the map is a preliminary plat.

D. Names and addresses of the landowners, subdivider and the engineer, surveyor, land planner or landscape architect responsible for designing the subdivision.

E. The tract designation or other description according to the real estate records of Baker County (Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Number(s), Assessor's Tax Account Number(s)).

F. The boundary line (accurate in scale) of the tract to be subdivided and approximate acreage of the property.

G. Contours with intervals of five (5) feet or less referred to United States Geological Survey (or mean sea level) datum for subdivisions with lot sizes of one (1) acre or less.
H. The names of adjacent subdivisions or the names of recorded owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land.

I. The location, widths, and names of existing or platted streets or other public ways (including easements) within or adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, railroad rights-of-way and other important features such as section lines, political subdivision boundary lines and school district boundaries.

J. Existing sewers, water mains, culverts, drainage ways or other underground utilities or structures within the tract or immediately adjacent thereto, together with pipe sizes, grades and locations indicated.

K. Location, acreage and dimensions of land to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the common use of property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose of conditions or limitations of such reservations, if any.

L. Proposed plan for draining surface water from the development and a description of any effects on adjacent properties.

M. The proposed street pattern or layout showing the name and widths of proposed streets and alleys.

N. Private streets and all restrictions or reservations relating to such private streets.

O. Easements, together with their dimensions, purpose and restrictions on use.

P. Proposed means and location of sewage disposal and water supply systems.

Q. Proposed lots, approximate dimensions, size and boundaries. Residential lots shall be numbered consecutively. Lots to be used for other than residential purposes shall be identified with letter designations.

R. Sites, if any, for residences other than single-family dwellings.

S. Parks, playgrounds, recreation areas, parkways, and open space for public use, clearly identified.

T. Zoning classification of the land and Comprehensive Plan map designation.

U. Draft of proposed restrictions and covenants affecting the plat.

V. Predominant natural features such as water courses and their flows, marshes, rock outcropping, and areas subject to flooding, sliding or other natural hazards.

W. A statement of water right as required in ORS 92.120. If a water right is appurtenant, a copy of the acknowledgment from the State Water Resources Department shall be filed with the final plat as provided in Section 1002.